Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 So far , so good and we have the movie that the misconceived She Devil should have been .
2 Of course they would for a start , I have n't done anything , all that sort of business , but he was extremely good and I think the reason that he 'd got admissions quicker than we did , was partly by virtue of the fact that he was the boss of the department .
3 It means that those shops are no longer viable and we condemn the Government 's inaction on the reform of the Shops Act 1950 .
4 Some of the questions are just stupid and I think the symbols are insulting .
5 The Queen Victoria jokes got more ferocious and they upset the dentist a great deal .
6 Today , Pip Seymour 's articles are most informative and I love the reproductions of his work .
7 Two days out of the fucking Jungle after nearly dying and you put the phone down on me .
8 As you all know , he is now free and we hope the other hostages will soon be free too .
9 Afterwards , while the congregation said the rosary , praying for an end to the war , I heard individual confessions — confessions in wartime are particularly painful and I find the experience more harrowing than any other of my duties as a priest .
10 With freeze branding the animal is immediately recognisable and you have the comfort of a large back-up organisation if the worst happens .
11 They too , however , will benefit from the outlawing of all those practices which are indirectly discriminatory and which benefit the ‘ haves ’ against the ‘ have nots ’ .
12 To imagine that there is er a great undercurrent of violence inside our football grounds is now quite wrong and I think the game is n't getting enough credit for the way in which it 's tackled it .
13 This was quite tangible and I remember the mood of the victory party that night : James was at his most exuberant , Teddy Mayer was all smiles and squeaks , the whole team was on a new high .
14 Er Ministers are often in a very grave difficulty these days , if they do n't listen er er they 're accused o o of being autocratic , i i if they do listen , er then they 're accused of making u-turns , well even the gathering swine did n't have to make a u-turn , a change of direction would have been quite sufficient and I welcome the change of direction which the Home Secretary ha has made erm the objectives of this Bill are I think to be commended , but it is be perfectly clear from the outset that you ca n't combat crime by antagonising everyone concerned with the enforcement of law and order , the police authorities , the police and the magistrates .
15 Erm if your diagram 's pretty reasonable and you measure the wrong thing , you can still get quite a lot of the marks .
16 I was mixing the two and injecting the two , which was pretty weird and I think the only reason I was mixing the coke in with it was 'cos it was cheaper at the time … .
17 In other words , we have a welfare state , we help the international community with our foreign aid , and we are very progressive and we use the most up-to-date erm technology in developing our country and erm we are paying no taxes , and very progressive .
18 Pitch your bid too high and you run the risk of driving your opponent away from the negotiating table .
19 You see this is the thing that worries me because , you know , when I stand up and say I like what John Dreyfus did and I think his looks very good and I maintain the traditions of the Oxford University Press , I can suddenly feel that I 'm being typecast as being in the English tradition of typography as a revered art and the Morrisonian thing and the whole thing separate from , you know , a culture within a culture and a separate thing .
20 These carpets are very beautiful but they are very small and we have the infinitudes of the transcendent to fill with flowers .
21 When Ken asked what it was for , he was told : ‘ This play is essentially stylistic and I want the dialogue to be delivered in a stylistic fashion . ’
22 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
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