Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that she would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He looked so thunderous that she would have run had she been able , but the chance did not arise .
2 She had more or less accepted that she would go to hell for her crime , and did not much care what would happen to her after death .
3 The river , so wide that she would have mistaken it for the sea , was full of craft of all sizes , though most of them lay at anchor .
4 There was one teacher who used to get so mad that she would throw slates around , with the whole class ducking out of the way .
5 They had made her feel so confident that , from the moment Shine On had jumped off , she had been utterly convinced that she would win .
6 Had she arrived in the department within some five minutes of her cardiac arrest , it is much more likely that she would have been resuscitated …
7 Tomorrow would be another day , and she would make damned sure that she would get it off on the right footing .
8 The grandmother was always frightened that she would follow her mother 's mistake : ‘ she always said I 'd turn oot t'be like my mother …
9 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
10 That summer her island trip was to Thásos , and I was particularly glad that she would go there as it entails flying to Kaválla , which can be the most desirable flight that a woman can make in Greece .
11 Secondly , it is not even probable that she would have known much about the progress of the book at the time , except in the most general terms : she was not often in her brother 's company and his letters to her during these years do not suggest that details of such matters formed any part of their common ground .
12 If he was not at the reception hopper grizzleys , it is quite probable that she would wait for him at the entrance to Deep Level .
13 Medical staff at Middlesbrough General Hospital did their utmost to try to save Mrs Loughran 's life but Mr Smith heard that at her age and with such extensive injuries it was very unlikely that she would have survived .
14 The doctor offered Rose slimming tablets to help her lose even more weight but he said he was not very hopeful that she would lose it from her legs .
15 She was unschooled in the niceties of royal behaviour and felt absolutely terrified that she would embarrass her fiance in some way .
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