Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Garry 's wife suspected there was another woman and she was so upset that she turned to her brother for help . ’
2 His triumph was so complete that it seemed to him that he must surely radiate some evident joy .
3 I mean that the data on spontaneous abortion is so unmistakable that it seems to me that artificially induced abortions are just a continuation with modern technology of something women have always done anyway discriminate against their ab about their offspring , sometimes discriminating against them .
4 One day , in one of these tiny streets , with shops on either side and with stalls of street vendors in front of them , the way was so crowded that I got to a place where it was impossible to move .
5 He leaned his forehead against the stone , and was suddenly so weary and so content that it seemed to him there was nothing left to be desired in life , and nothing more he need strive for .
6 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
7 They were so incensed that they flew to Los Angeles officially to deny charges that ‘ they only sang about 20 per cent of the music on their 1988 album , Hanging' Tough .
8 The drizzle was so fine that it amounted to fog and he had to drive slowly .
9 Ash is produced when the coal is burnt and has proved to be something for the salvation for many plants and animals the ash is so fine that it has to be turned into a slurry and put into the to settle out these can be up to eight years during which time it becomes none the less but an artificial mud flat quickly colonized by weeds , pioneers crucial to the complex way of life in our natural world But for bird-watchers it is the bird that attracted to these artificial mud flats that are the most exciting development within the boundaries of these power station nature reserves .
10 The fabric was so fine that she appeared to be naked in the bright light .
11 But if we react too strongly to fear , the brake is applied so hard that we come to a standstill , and fail to grow — which means a wasted lifetime .
12 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
13 With this money , he was able to pay all his supporters , and with this added incentive he pressed the Moorish Caliphs so hard that they submitted to him , sueing for peace in the April of 1090 .
14 The girl became so ill that she had to be taken away .
15 The pace of change since the Second World War has been so swift that we have to be careful not to make assumptions about the past based on what we see around us every day .
16 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
17 It was so cold that it burnt her , so cold that it stuck to her fingers .
18 During the holiday her arm felt so lifeless that she went to a local Swiss hospital for an X-ray .
19 For a while they are ‘ egocentric ’ — so self-centred that they seem to be interested only in themselves and their own point of view .
20 Eventually , they got so noisy that we reverted to weekday openings .
21 In Normandy , indeed , their importance grew so great that they began to be promoted to bishoprics after about 1060 , a move reminiscent of Ottonian and Salian practice .
22 Celia Fiennes , riding through the same region towards the end of that century , found the Border dwellings ‘ worse than booths at a fair ’ , and so smelly that she preferred to lunch with her horses in the stable .
23 So powerful that it needs to be used circumspectly to avoid reducing self-confidence .
24 The picture was so circumstantial that it began to be convincing , and Harry 's heart hammered in his breast with hope and dread .
25 Only a mysterious , mounting , electric tightness in her stomach and her groin , a build-up of sensation so extraordinary that she clung to his hard back as he moved rhythmically , fiercely claiming possession ; she dug in her nails without conscious thought of injury , heard herself cry out in astonished delight .
26 And he was so happy that he said to his mother one day , mother I want to live for ever .
27 There 's no way it should be that complicated a lot of the problems are caused by the rules being so complicated that you have to be working in that particular field
28 The Commander-in-Chief in 1939 felt it necessary to review his " troops ' ; and when he came to Driffield he obviously felt that the Occasion was so important that he spoke to the officers in one corner of the hangar and spoke to the sergeant pilots in another .
29 Axelrod had already begun to think in ESS terms , but I felt that this tendency was so important that I wrote to him suggesting that he should get in touch with W. D. Hamilton , who was then , though Axelrod did n't know it , in a different department of the same university , the University of Michigan .
30 And why it is so important that you respond to this appeal today .
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