Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But cyclists have no alternative but the A2 , a road so awful that I have heard of tourists giving up at Canterbury , fearing that the rest of Britain is just as bad ( which on trunk routes , it is ! ) .
2 It is , therefore , highly appropriate that they have chosen ‘ As You Like It ’ for their tenth anniversary production .
3 He said : ‘ I 'm obviously delighted that they have drawn attention to the situation .
4 It is so simple that I have known clever men misunderstand it completely , thinking that there must be more to it !
5 ‘ James , ’ she said in a flat voice , ‘ I am so glad that you have come . ’
6 Some of her class members showed four short items and KFA teachers present were so impressed that they have invited Marlene to teach at their Teacher Training Course in November .
7 Indeed , some Fund Managers have been so impressed that they have bought carpets !
8 Of course , even within the stated parameters , comprehensiveness is an impossible goal , because some publications escape the net , or are listed so late that they have gone out of print or are out-of-date by the time they appear .
9 ‘ The VAT rules have previously been so complex that they have confused even the VAT man .
10 Well , they have been afraid of the Russians for so long that they have learned to live with it .
11 No harm in that : pedestrian documentation is what there is a call for — Pound himself , and his admirers emulating him , have been so sprightly for so long that they have persuaded people they , and he , can not be in earnest .
12 The Tories have been in power so long that they have forgotten how to listen , while Labour is still fragmented and inadequate .
13 There is some historic evidence to suggest that it included about 800 titles , among which some so important that they have tantalised historians ever since : works by Cicero , Tacitus , the Greek historian Polybius , the playwright Aristophanes etc. , quite possibly in complete versions .
14 I am so pleased that we have solved the dilemma and we can feel morally superior !
15 I believe they represent the very best of the BBC 's tradition in journalism and I am so pleased that you have chosen to honour them .
16 It was argued earlier that man , a creature with unprepossessing qualities for higher social development , became capable of that development because of traumatic social changes which occurred in the past but whose impact was so immense that they have shaped human nature down to the present and have been the determining influences on the evolution of culture , whose function , by and large , is the transmission of the consequences of these primal , traumatic experiences to subsequent generations in the form of ego , and , most especially , superego , development .
17 RSPB spokesperson Frank Lucas says ‘ It 's especially worrying that we have discovered a serious decline in bird numbers in what should be one of the best protected areas in the UK .
18 During a DHAC demonstration in the Guildhall , Alderman Hegarty of the Nationalist Party called out to the demonstrators : ‘ It is just unfortunate that you have come under the influence of card-bearing members of the Communist committee . ’
19 The most comfortable that I have used is a fabric called Rhovyl + Modal , which is used by North Cape £21 and Lowe £27 in their long-sleeved , polo-neck thermal tops .
20 But much more sorry that you have behaved in such an improper and perilous way .
21 Though L4 of Nematodirus spp. apparently arrested in their development have been recorded at necropsy , there is no obvious seasonal pattern to their occurrence and it seems more likely that they have accumulated as a consequence of host resistance rather than hypobiosis .
22 The fact that O'Keeffe was so well-known in her time makes it even more astonishing that we have had to wait until 1993 for the first major European show of her work .
23 One of the most imaginative that I have seen uses a series of bowls and a conventional fountain spray .
24 I am genuinely sorry , for I am heartily thankful that we have escaped from the small-mindedness of the medieval church and I despise modern astrologers , but I am afraid that the rhetoric about backwaters in the previous paragraph is just empty rhetoric .
25 Peter Absalom , managing director of CCG Contracting , said : ‘ I am particularly delighted that we have won this contract at Barrow .
26 We have been responsible for launching our children into life and are well aware that we have made the usual crop of mistakes , even though we have tried our hardest to do what is best for them .
27 Because the authors were using different types of data , it is quite possible that they have seen different dimensions of an essentially complex process .
28 At this point I want to make it quite clear that I have discussed Monitor theory in some detail not to criticize it as such ( cf.
29 Yes , but the churches are quite convinced that they have got the Tigre People 's Liberation Front 's agreement to it , and that there will be no harassment from their side .
30 It is quite revolutionary that I have left home to attend college .
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