Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] that [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Badly digitised photos that you have to squint at .
2 Clearly no product is flawless but I can honestly find nothing but praise for the 103/4 ; indeed I would say that it is one of the best , most naturally balanced loudspeakers that I have used , regardless of price .
3 On the other hand , I imagine that under my sublime guidance , this child will in some way be me but without the less desirable bits that I have so many problems divesting myself of .
4 Gould says of Rebuck : ‘ She is an extraordinary woman , one of the most remarkable women that I have ever known . ’
5 Indeed , one of the most disgraceful things that we have seen in the Chamber this week was the Maastricht agreement which , in terms of social policy , means that the opportunity to do so much to support the family , children and working mothers has been lost .
6 I am coming later to the ‘ none-atall ’ which is one of the more emphatic observations that I have to make , namely that one must not assume there is necessarily a rational purpose , or even a felonious purpose , in the breach of law and order and the commission of crime .
7 It builds on existing , more limited arrangements that we have already introduced , which rely on suitable cases being referred to an adjudication officer who considers whether it is in the interests of the claimant for direct payments to be made .
8 Now , those of you who have not been able to watch a television set may not be aware of the really remarkable performances that we have seen here at Royal St. George 's on this beautiful English summer 's day .
9 Are yours fairly elaborate ones that you have ?
10 And I see it as part of my problem in education is to erm , change the attitudes of the the boys who are , you know , at a very young , and I 'll be sorry to think that in ten years time they would still be having erm the rather arrogant attitudes that they have !
11 These may be formulated in more or less specific terms and the rather general issues that I have already outlined may be broken down into more narrowly focused questions and be dealt with in more than one module with provision made for explicit cross-reference .
12 The most up-to-date figures that we have on these matters show a continuing increase in capital provision , but I recognise that there has been some indication of a downturn in the most recent , as yet uncompleted , year .
13 Being a regular to the attractions of the Continent and its sunnier climes , I started by skimming through and picking out a few of the relatively recent crags that I have visited , such as Ceuse & Oppede le Vieux : they are in — fine .
14 To illustrate the point , and to suggest some possible choices , I shall pack a fictional bag for three very different trips that I have taken recently — a six-week winter trip to Nepal , including a trek to Everest Base Camp , a week 's backpacking in North Wales and a camping and birdwatching trip to New England during the Fall .
15 Erm I think that Vince has raised of very personal questions that we have ask about this erm the question of local accountability of the health authority board that will be created by this the to service this new joint health authority , would in fact , be the size of the existing one for West Essex and we would ha , have only a third of the representation that we currently have the whole of West Essex we 'll only have two non- executive members on the health authority board and I do n't think that that is terribly accountable but certainly a considerable reduction on what we 've got at the moment .
16 When treating illness in children there are two very good signs that you have hit on the correct remedy : firstly , if the child vomits shortly after having the remedy , assuming he was not already vomiting all the time !
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