Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The speaker is less likely to gulp for more air in mid-sentence .
2 You body wo n't turn as much as it did before , you get tired more quickly , you 're less able to concentrate for long periods and have to allow for more errors .
3 It will be appreciated that these decisions within English teaching , as they are seen as likely to affect pupils ' future working and leisure conditions , might be poignantly uncomfortable to resolve for working-class teachers .
4 Finally , studies have shown fitness improvement levels off once you are easily able to exercise for 30 minutes .
5 Problems are most likely to arise for older workers where work is at a fast continuous pace , fixed at a pace suited to younger workers and over which the worker has no control , or where there are other time pressures .
6 Yet , at the same time , these are the sectors that are most likely to provide for those workers ( the lower paid and the unemployed ) at whom the government 's migration policies , operating through the Employment Transfer and Job Search Schemes , are aimed .
7 Leather is perhaps most comfortable to hold for any length of time , although colourful nylon leashes have become very popular during recent years .
8 It was still possible to pay for private treatment in the health service , but for most people it was a case of having treatment " on the national health . "
9 Tom Bowhill Restorations in Cheltenham is thriving , despite the recession , proving that people are still willing to pay for true craftsmanship .
10 You are much more likely to go for old pine , or oak , tough lacquer or vinyl — at least for several years , but there is no reason why these can not work just as well and create a feeling of their own .
11 In these cases , magistrates are much more likely to convict for technical breaches of highly technical rules .
12 ‘ I 'm more inclined to opt for placental abruption .
13 It is also possible to study for these examinations by taking a one-year full time course at The City or Heriot Watt Universities .
14 Lymphocytotoxic antibodies have also been shown in Crohn 's disease probands and their healthy relatives but , as these antibodies react with lymphocytes from normal subjects with a wide range of HLA specificities , they are similarly unlikely to account for inherited differences of liability .
15 Religious instruction in most schools is not really conducive to respect for non-Christian religions .
16 On the strength of those assurances , the commission says it is now prepared to pay for initial design work at both schools , starting next month .
17 Theoretically , each of the 12 regional electricity companies ( RECs ) is now free to compete for any business requiring more than one megawatt ( MW ) of power anywhere in the country .
18 We found the machine was fairly comfortable to use for long periods , but the high body did make it slightly awkward to control in tight corners .
19 The only concession forced through before the critical days in September was on the tax allowance to foster parents who were now able to claim for any child in their care under the age of sixteen or in full-time education .
20 Within all the social services , but especially within education , it is often necessary to argue for increased access to the material resource of the service while simultaneously suggesting that there are aspects of the service , particularly the ideology transmitted by it , which one deplores ( see Sections I and IV ) .
21 Its focus is not so much on the individuals who work and produce as on the production process , and this rather impersonal and abstract approach makes it difficult or even unnecessary to look for any exclusion of women , although this occurs .
22 At a time when it is increasingly popular to search for complex explanations for continuing or increasing levels of unsafe sexual behaviour among gay and bisexual men the most obvious explanation — lack of continuing education about safer sex — must not be overlooked .
23 This is particularly likely to occur for larger cities with very limited amounts of vacant land and in rural areas where environmental and other considerations have led to the imposition of strict controls on new building .
24 Olson argued that in fact collective action is remarkably difficult to secure for some groups .
25 It is sometimes possible to arrange for both ministers to be at the ceremony , sharing the responsibility between them .
26 The softness of gold made it relatively easy to employ for ornamental purposes .
27 Her own intense excitement had given way to a hollow feeling in her stomach and she had been quite unable to eat for several days .
28 These paints are available in a number of natural and unnatural colours and while giving the pool a good waterproof finish , are generally considered to be rather expensive to contemplate for large expanses .
29 What should you do if you do n't live in London , and find that it is financially difficult to pay for such courses ?
30 However , Gaitskell was much too sensible to fall for this nonsense .
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