Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 You place the slightly warm etching plate , so if you pop it on there for about half a second to get the printing ink nicely mobile and you put it printing ink face up .
2 Did n't realize she was going quite so early but I suppose it 's hardly early anyway now .
3 Feargal 's blue eyes were impossibly bland and she found it very hard to keep her face straight .
4 Coun Katherine Carr said : ‘ We are the custodians of something so valuable and we forget it at our peril . ’
5 It was so wonderful and I wanted it to go on forever .
6 I touched earlier on some of the reasons why we find open behaviour in this country so difficult and I believe it is partly to do with emotion .
7 And erm how we actually measure I I would accept is d is somewhat difficult and I think it 's based on erm a a an assessment er a professional assessment of the issues that are current to the criteria .
8 I 'll say it is I 'll say it is but she says she has a trapped nerve in the top of her leg , she says sometimes it 's not so bad but she said it 's not bad , you know when I get up she says I 'm in a lot of pain and it , you have to take painkillers for it
9 ‘ He can swim long distances , mostly one-sided but he manages it , and he adores it .
10 I am wet but utterly unharmed and I enjoyed it . ’
11 The outburst seemed a little unbalanced but nobody questioned it .
12 I do n't know if it was totally successful but I enjoyed it .
13 ‘ Well , it is totally ridiculous and you know it . ’
14 That offer is still open and I think it could work well if people could be bothered .
15 The thing is they 're still young and I suppose it 's possible that they could be taught their minds are still impressionable .
16 Well it might if it was more expensive but I mean it might just be more expensive anyway .
17 ‘ His knee is slightly unstable and we thought it best he saw the surgeon who performed the operation on him . ’
18 ‘ His knee is slightly unstable and we thought it best he saw the surgeon who performed the operation . ’
19 The weather was damp and chilly but the sleeping bag felt mighty good and I made it through the first night , sleeping like a log .
20 It was expensive , high tech , brutal and , I do n't doubt , ecologically unsound but I loved it all .
21 We read the , read the agreements differently to what they did but he 'd lean towards the drivers , conductors and he gave away a lot of what had tried to erm stop them from having because they were n't really entitled to it but he saw differently and gave it away and course once you 've given it away you , no way of retracting it , but then came in and , well , I mean he was a real transport man , his , his vision and his ideas were really good and he made it what it is today .
22 I 'm rather surprised that but there you are this this er this stuff this is coming they were both being one and another er put here and er um um I suppose the idea is that the er two people should be fairly good but I think it 's going somewhere and as I say it 's down again … let's see what else has gone er the the this is just I do n't know how she di ’ how they did this but it must have been fairly hard when they did it and er I think there is n't v-very much there I think . ’
23 Dad , dad used to use it for the bonfires but when he , when he did n't have any petrol he used to use it on the bonfire and he had it in a secret bottle and erm he got it too near and he did n't realize and all of a sudden it goes really really hot and he threw it and everywhere .
24 I want to try and get one before May before the exam , but there is a superb production on i the summer , it 's on June and July and it 's at an open-air theatre erm in Lincolnshire and what people do is they go and take a picnic and you sort of take your rug and sit there and cos it it 'll be hot in the summer it would be really nice and you watch it outdoors and it 's in this big stately home which is in it 's own grounds and there 's gift shops and restaurants and bars and obviously wo n't go in the bars but you know there 's lo it 's beautiful and like a big stately home you can wander round the gardens for a bit and then go and watch the performance and if it rains then there 's a canopy you can pull the canopy over like at Wimbledon and you know it 's a really nice day .
25 It is n't particularly important but I think it may become so . ’
26 ‘ Those shoes are quite unsuitable and you know it ! ’
27 Before : Rebecca 's long , one-length hair is quite coarse and she feels it looks dull and boring .
28 ‘ The path between the car park and the sports centre is quite dark and I imagine it 's the sort of place someone could lie in wait . ’
29 Yeah I think it was he but I be quite sure and I think it was the boyfriend was number thirty , but I do n't know other one , right out of the window where the porch is .
30 In February and March it was hard going out almost nightly but he liked it and Joan got to know the wives and children of the clergy .
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