Example sentences of "[adv] [unc] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 er , it 's only er breakfast but I believe they 're very good breakfasts
2 , I 've been smoking since I wa twe , since I 've been twelve and I just canna stop and I think it 's disgusting !
3 There 's always er Mr if you want to drag him .
4 Sometimes I continue yesterday 's painting or I start a new work , often it is an idea I have thought about from the studio , or I might spend some time looking through sketch books .
5 Just two points separate the top five clubs in the Premier league with leaders Hibs emerging with no major fitness worries from yesterday 's match as they turn their attention to next Sunday 's league Cup final with Rangers .
6 Well no he went out but they somebody ran in there and h well B Brian and I think Pat and David were having a drink with him and I think they suddenly thought well he 's been in there a long time .
7 What seems like a fairly harmless joke can have unfortunate consequences — as you can see in tomorrow 's reading when we find out what happens to Stewart after his fall .
8 It 's from the Regional Secretary , I write with reference to your appeal to the Regional Committee of today 's date and I have to inform you that your appeal was unsuccessful .
9 Nor is it clear in an age of continuing economic growth that the economy will not be able to support today 's yuppies when they become tomorrow 's grumpies .
10 Pay-as-you-go means that today s contributors pay for the pension of today 's retired people — on the basis that the next generation will pick up the bill for today 's contributors when they retire .
11 Er I 'd like to i ask our presenters this morning to join me on the stage to take any questions from the floor and ask if you could er fill in your er y y your sur your sheets on the on today 's events before you leave please .
12 I do n't really want to get involved in anyone else 's problems and I do n't want to be the cause of anyone else 's , so I just lay low .
13 and that , and the Dracula has to go towards that person but if that person says someone 's else 's name before you get them
14 The media , major users of public relations material , loves taking the mickey out of public relations which is so busy working on someone else 's image that they have no time for the image of their own industry .
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