Example sentences of "[adv] [modal v] [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As she obtained her quest , so may I too see The semblance of that which I myself am in quest of .
2 So should you ever bet a local from Sherborne that you can find a better village , do n't be surprised if you get this reply .
3 Flying past at 400 feet , not only could we positively identify the big de Havilland gleaming in the winter sunlight , but we could also read its appropriate registration , G-DHCB .
4 Not only could she not translate the hour , but the light , the leaves on the trees , the noise of trains and traffic were meaningless .
5 So could I please see the Master and arrange it as quickly as possible ? ’
6 Well I 'm coming back to see you in two weeks ' time so could I maybe get the information off you then ?
7 So could I therefore ask the minister to , on another matter , to ensure that later in his remarks would he agree to the proposal that the right to a postal vote should be highly publicised in this country , perhaps by putting the R P F nine A form in the newspapers well before the closing date of May the twentieth .
8 Not only would you not have the time to deal with them all , but you 'd be harassing the public and getting the police a bad name ’ ( FN 23/4/87 , p. 2 ) .
9 So would anyone like to ask a question of Chris ?
10 When you get on towards sixty you are not like any one younger , so will you kindly consider the matter over and help me out of it .
11 So will you too become a legend ? ’
12 How long can we healthily continue the diet of delusion ?
13 However , if he fails to do so can he still ask the court to examine the contract in the light of the restraint of trade doctrine because of the existence of the public interest ?
14 Thank you , that was lovely , lovely , lovely , erm it 's Mr , erm , and I suppose we ought to , no , ju ju just can you just pause a mo on it please because I 'm just looking at the possibilities , there are two names that John has found us instrumentations .
15 Carl would you ever would you ever do a home run ?
16 Now , hold on , we 'll just choose the printer before we go any further Can you just put the printer off line , Liam .
17 well could we perhaps have the agreements in front of us while we 're looking at this point erm , where would be the best place to find them ?
18 I said well will you please stop the girls saying the use of portable telephones are not permitted
19 Oh please can I just have a look
20 If we are going to do the fencing , er and everything else , then may we then submit the bills for that work to the District Council ?
21 How then could we ever understand the nature and functioning of the whole belt ?
22 Then will you please send a message to Mr Roberts for me ? ’ said Beverley .
23 Now I 'm going to help you with it and what I suggest we do this morning when I give you these sheets will you please write your name and today 's date at the top of the sheet and I put the date on the board , and then can you please resist the temptation to start , start writing over the rest of the sheet until I 've gone through it with you .
24 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
25 Right can I just ask a wee quick question which is highly personal liability for eight thousand pounds of tax and I 'm also a guarantor for my son 's mortgage
26 Was she being judged on what she had learned about the project ; and if so , was n't the teacher being judged on how well he had transmitted knowledge and therefore should he not share the C-grade ?
27 Never could they securely hold the Rhine until the Frisians at the lower end of it and the Saxons across it were tamed and Christianized .
28 Actually can you really face the from the other pathfinders
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