Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [adj] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , this consideration can only be relevant if there is an alternative forum available ; if there is not , then the High Court may be inclined to allow an AJR unless there is some statutory provision which precludes this , even if the rights in issue are essentially ordinary employment rights .
2 Since the mid-1970s there has been growing recognition that residential care can only be effective when it is part of a package aimed at helping the family as a whole , and where parents are involved in all aspects of the care process .
3 There has been new legislation introduced in the form of the European six pack and the cost regulations but this legislation will only be effective if it is enforced .
4 It may be that there is a special rule for reservation of title clauses : this is examined below ( Chapter 10 ) but subject to that possible exception , once a contract has been made , its terms can only be altered or supplemented by a variation , and such variation will only be effective if it is supported by consideration .
5 This enhanced porosity will only be effective if there is either a considerable proportion of the mineral , or minerals , susceptible to dissolution , so forming a connection between isolated intragranular pore spaces , or if there is an existing intergranular porosity .
6 However , where a clause is subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 ( UCTA ) , ( in relation to financial services primarily those in standard form contracts relating to the provision of advice31 ) it will only be valid if it is reasonable .
7 The reduction in the amount of ACT the company pays ( which would otherwise be surplus ) will only be attractive if there is sufficient take-up by its shareholders to make the related administration and costs worthwhile .
8 ‘ Fortunately the Warwickshire manager , Bob Woolmer , is a friend of South African cricket and is looking after Allan 's interests but we will only be happy while he is there in charge of him . ’
9 This technique is not always as effective as division , but does achieve a nearly random distribution , and so is useful when it is not possible to exploit any existing order in the key sequence .
10 Once again we meet to debate and vote on this highly emotive subject and it has always almost , it has already been apparent that it is very emotional .
11 They must just be confident that it is .
12 This will normally be impractical and it is suggested that the purchaser may wish to distinguish between the following three levels of consent : ( a ) critical consents ; ( b ) material consents ; ( c ) ancillary consents .
13 This can not be sustained : it had always been difficult and there is no evidence that the Seljuks made it conspicuously worse .
14 Welcome back from Hong Kong ( I do n't know exactly when you are due back , but this letter will still be relevant whether it 's next week or next month ) .
15 At no stage would this reference ever be admissible because it 's not going to be relevant after your shield 's gone in because your shield going in relates to the questions understanding be agree or correct me but this is how I understand the situation .
16 Ipswich 's other newcomer , German Andre Pollehn , will also be missing as he is committed to a long track meeting in his own country that day .
17 Clearly , unless these features are defined with precision , there is a danger of ending up with a tautological explanation : what is recent must also be novel because it is recent .
18 ‘ If you can get a job and we can find Mrs Ross a suitable home , I think she will probably be happier where there is more life going on around her . ’
19 In practice you will probably be lucky if it is seen at all !
20 That 's quite a good i , go and get one and see that you cover it tin foil if you want but it 'll probably be alright as it is .
21 We can eventually be sure that it is correct enough , but never that there is no other equally correct but different translation .
22 The truth can often be slanderous if it is put in certain ways .
23 It can really be helpful if it 's complicated and detailed information , notice the difference between complicated and complex .
24 It should by now be clear that there is a great deal of difference between the way words are pronounced in isolation and in the context of connected speech .
25 I wonder if he really is serious and what 's behind it ?
26 So I 'm v I 'm a bit vague about it , you may well be right and it 's two years
27 This may well be true but it is unfortunately also a very expensive one .
28 It may well be true that there is little evidence of a widespread parochial anti-clericalism in the early sixteenth century , if by that we mean an endemic lay hostility towards the local priesthood .
29 Firstly , in relation to users and carers , the practitioner may well be aware that she is identifying and discussing needs which are unlikely to be met within the current limits and range of available services .
30 This story may well be apocryphal as there is a similar story connected with a ballroom in Dundee .
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