Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I place my chair to the left of the swim so that I am hidden behind the wall of rushes and have a good viewpoint of both rods .
2 get a basket and we , I 'm gon na get a lot of sweets , get a basket and put everything inside and I 'm looking at
3 But when the whole sum is due , by no intendment the acceptance of parcel can be a satisfaction to the plaintiff ; but in the case at bar it was resolved that the payment and acceptance of parcel before the day in satisfaction of the whole would be a good satisfaction in regard of circumstance of time ; for peradventure parcel of it before the day would be more beneficial to him than the whole at the day , and the value of the satisfaction is not material ; so if I am bound in £20 to pay you £10 at Westminster , and you request me to pay you £5 at the day at York , and you will accept it in full satisfaction for the whole £10 , it is a good satisfaction for the whole , for the expenses to pay it at York is sufficient satisfaction . ’
4 So if I was to say to you that you can take him to the Justices if that 's your pleasure - " He turned and fixed Sir Gregory with eyes that radiated hatred from beneath fiery brows — " I do n't think you 'd like that , would you ?
5 So if I 'm gon na have like ,
6 I finished every day mostly at one o'clock and I was to start at half past five the next morning .
7 Especially if I 'm going to sort of give you things like Y equals erm cos E to the minus K X. I mean it 's only a simple one .
8 It 's permanent , but Kadan says it 's necessary , especially if I 'm going into the hot lands .
9 Perhaps because I was taken for a Jew .
10 In the end , perhaps because I was embarking on other work , the matter was quietly dropped .
11 To soften the blow I said it was only because I was held in such high esteem in the football world that I had to get rid of any player or , as in his case , friend , who showed any sign of being a no-hoper .
12 ( Although I have twice referred to Milton myself , I did so because I was grasping for images to convey something of the reality of the Devil .
13 I wondered what he was up to when I spotted him coming back inside while I was looking for you . ’
14 Back in Moose Jaw , busy with newspaper and radio work , it was not long before I was engaged in preparing and delivering a series of illustrated talks on musical appreciation on Wednesday evenings to audiences of 900 or more in the public auditorium of the Technical School .
15 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
16 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
17 It was not long before I was ensconced in the dining-room with a pastis and looking forward to dinner .
18 Fortunately , it was n't long before I was approached by other people to set up a new gallery .
19 And then , of course , I was n't able to attend much when I was left on my own after Mother and Uncle Tommy died and I had all the milking and farmwork to do myself .
20 ‘ Not so long as I am working for you . ’
21 I only have to take a moment to get my eyes strong and then I can push it out , this strongness , at anything at all so long as I am staring at it hard enough …
22 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
23 So long as I was looking for someone who might want to murder Michael Banks , I was getting nowhere .
24 I ca n't think why : especially as I was forced on you . ’
25 Well no , that was another thing more or less as I was coming out the door they 'd got the news thing on and this was Australia the new prime minister , I do n't know his name , he 's running down I did n't hear it properly but I heard the gist of it , erm and it
26 ‘ I get a lot of laughs from everyone who sees me , especially when I 'm going across long grass and all they can see is an airline captain coming towards them at great speed with exhaust smoke coming from my rear end .
27 So when I was ushered into his consulting room , it was his welfare that concerned me as much as my own .
28 So when I was confronted by the station warrant officer ( SWO ) in my very best turnout I was somewhat aggrieved at his tirade about my flouting regulations when a strange apparition approached , an airman acting as the station Postman .
29 I 've done that on trains , I 've done that on a tour bus quite recently , and of course the response you get can be very , very aggressive and that 's sometimes quite hard to handle but I take the precaution of always checking before I go somewhere that I 'm going to , I 'm going to be backed up , for example , erm before I go I purchase my holiday , I actually checked with the tour company that they did n't allow smoking on the buses
30 It was just that I was longing to be your hostess . ’
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