Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] it [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 This first capacitor is then connected to the second one in the chain via a buffet stage so that it passes on the sampled voltage .
2 It 's tempting , when fitting a permanent substitute for the battery , to rewire the existing on-off switch so that it operates on the mains supply to the transformer primary .
3 The thick canopy of leaves and branches disperse the rainwater so that it falls on the ground softly and evenly , avoiding floods .
4 For its part , pluralism adopts a restricted frame of reference and takes too much for granted so that it skates on the surface of political life and only deals with the politics of participation and the politics of satisfaction to the detriment of any consideration of other less " obvious " things : there is little that is deep and illuminating about the pluralist perspective and crucial concerns are ignored as irrelevant to politics : pluralism is less wrong than limited .
5 When a search is completed up to twelve small images will be displayed on the lower area of the screen , you can then choose the one you want and enlarge it so that it appears on the screen together with any relevant background information .
6 reporter to erm again join with him in beating the drum formally so that it moves on the A twelve and the other issues was over , something which we can easily draw attention to civil servant and of
7 Sue fell in love with the house long before it came on the market .
8 And what it does really is keep the belt firm so when it goes on the former it keeps it firm .
9 ‘ It will be a stormy night , ’ Michael said , and Crane , leaning forward , took Allen 's dagger from his belt and flung it outside where it clattered on the stones .
10 Bodily discomfort , added to the anger that still bubbled unpleasantly inside him , had the effect of clarifying his mind , just as it had on the day of the press conference .
11 The animal is knitted as a single motif just as it appears on the graph .
12 I imagine you have to secure one of these as soon as it comes on the market . ’
13 That we are dealing with a privileged élite goes without saying ; as also that it depended on the institution of domestic service .
14 Erm it 's g there now obviously the end of year it builds up over the end of the year partly because it relies on the extra recruitment and the increasing sales per er per capita erm or per capita sales I should say .
15 This question is interesting not only because it suggests a world wider than that of the film itself , but also because it focuses on the issue of ‘ masculinity ’ .
16 Exactly how much less is impossible to state accurately as it depends on the rate of rainfall and consequent flows in different parts of the catchment , as well as on the water levels in the dams .
17 ( 4 ) A covenant by the lessee for the repair of the premises is of no effect so far as it relates to the matters mentioned in subsection ( l ) ( a ) to ( c ) , except so far as it imposes on the lessee any of the requirements mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ( a ) or ( c ) .
18 Advantages : The grill is well positioned in one corner of the roof of the oven and browns food evenly as it turns on the turntable — excellent for cooking dishes such as lasagne and cauliflower cheese .
19 The president of the Writer 's Association , Hermann Kant , a central committee member , said the exodus of almost 50,000 refugees could not be blamed on the ‘ wicked class enemy ’ in West Germany : ‘ A defeat is a defeat even if it comes on the eve of a glorious celebration . ’
20 THE CLASS of a locomotive can often be detected well before it appears on the scene simply by the sound of its whistle .
21 Even when it stopped on the 5th ’ , the historian John Buchan was to write , ‘ there followed days of sombre skies and wet mists and mucky clouds .
22 The contrary contention is that there is a legal obligation even though it depends on the innocent party 's making the election .
23 I am sure that all my colleagues are as delighted as I am to support this excellent Bill , not least because it builds on the firm foundation organised during the passage of our privatisation measures .
24 This is an enormous area to consider briefly because it touches on the central issue of what is sometimes called ‘ the second industrial revolution ’ and , more precisely , on the relationship between labour and technological change .
25 This book has a symbiotic relationship with Professor Stone 's earlier volume , The Family , Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 , drawing heavily as it does on the idea of the emergence of affective individualism in family relationships and its link to the rise in marital unhappiness during both the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries .
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