Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Zacchaeus was a tax-collector and was very unpopular with the Jews , not only because he worked for the Romans but also because he was very rich through cheating people , as he himself admitted ( Luke 19:8 ) .
2 Maxim wondered if he dressed that way only because he worked for The Firm , and decided probably not .
3 Among Fianna Fail members , Mr MacSharry is seen as the man with the courage and determination to revive the party 's flagging fortunes , just as he did for the Irish economy four years ago .
4 BRITAIN 'S loudest man revealed yesterday that he competed for the title after neighbours complained about his singing in the bath .
5 Everyone hastened to stand aside as he made for the door .
6 ‘ It was the talk of the set — the rumour monitors were working overtime , ’ Jim said yesterday as he talked for the first time about the couple 's whirlwind romance .
7 But Gloucester also insisted throughout that he stood for the continuance of Edward IV 's regime , an emphasis which inevitably played down the political significance of the ‘ outs ’ .
8 But Gloucester also insisted throughout that he stood for the continuance of Edward IV 's regime , an emphasis which inevitably played down the political significance of the ‘ outs ’ .
9 Meanwhile , former Tottenham player Gary Lineker 's Japanese adventure got underway when he trained for the first time with his Grampus Eight teammates at Nagoya yesterday .
10 In so far as he argued for the separation of economics from politics for the purpose of analysis , in a theoretical examination of the Soviet economy he seemed to be following in the footsteps of Marx .
11 His lips clamped together and he raised one corner of his thin mouth in a spiteful leer , his large bald head nodding deliberately to and fro while he waited for the younger man 's response .
12 In a year or two he should have a decent sized flock — of course he 's not normally down here this early , he only has a bit of a stable down here that he rents for the summer along with his few acres of grass and his bit of land for cultivation .
13 His food came — they do n't mess about here and he reached for the salt .
14 But even as he reached for the man he lost his footing .
15 Well it must be ten years ago when he worked for the B B C and that , he must have been in his late twenties then
16 It seems to have been about then that he mentioned for the first time that he thought he was being poisoned with acqua toffana ( a notorious Italian poison ) .
17 His Principal looked at him suspiciously when he asked for the day off , and he stuttered , ‘ She brought me up , you know . ’
18 Penry smiled faintly as he made for the door .
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