Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Allowing his legs to relax , he worked at unlatching the twin bolts and eased the door open , clambering inside where he dropped to his knees , exhausted , his chest heaving as he sucked in mouthfuls of air .
2 Anton was shocked enough that he spoke to him but almost jumped when the hand fell on his knee .
3 He very much admired the poetry of Ebenezer Elliott , the Corn Law Rhymer , that is , a poet who helped to lead the opposition to the laws which kept the price of bread artificially high , and said ‘ None of us have done better than he has at his best ’ .
4 It was rather indifferently that he described to her his walk , his find , his leading of the police to the spot .
5 Nicolo shifted his weight so that he lay above her .
6 Though arrested in Denmark , Britain , France and Spain for narcotics and arms offences , al-Kassar had made himself too valuable an asset to European and American intelligence agencies for them to allow him to go to waste in prison , so that he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance matched only among international criminals by his partner , Rifat Assad , younger brother of the Syrian president , who also owned a villa outside Marbella , and whose daughter , Raja , was al-Kassar 's mistress .
7 Stuart changed this so that he travelled with his team and stayed in the same cheap hotels .
8 Before she got a word out Guy seized her gently by the shoulders and turned her around , so that he stood between her and Ralf .
9 And her breath , as she smiled , began to catch in weak , involuntary sobs ; so that he bent over her , his cheek against hers , his arms embracing hers in spectral and impotent comfort .
10 Give the horse plenty to think about so that he concentrates on his work rather than other exciting stimuli .
11 The Frenchman behind me on this march curses under his breath each time I stop suddenly and he bundled into my rucksack .
12 Then his eyes , red-rimmed from weeping , widened dementedly and he lunged from his place swinging the long blade of his coupe-coupe high above his head .
13 In those stories , the prince almost always turned out to be a god who sought earthly pleasure from his love only until he tired of her .
14 I met Jack Mason , as arranged , shortly after ten o'clock and he went through his customary practice routine .
15 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
16 yeah basically unless he agrees with him whatever
17 So , with the exception of the boy Matthew , who was marked with the same ruthless stamp as himself , he grudgingly tolerated the ‘ intruders ’ brought under his roof , and whom he had come to resent beyond reason ; perhaps because he saw in them his own failure as a family man .
18 This experience , Mr. Johnson said , was ‘ wonderful — not only because he communicated with me , but because he kept his promise . ’
19 So since he asked for you again , ’ Charlie went on as she climbed past him into the back of the cab , ‘ make sure that whatever you did for him , you just keep on doing it . ’
20 By this time there was very little he did not know about being a prince ; and long before he came to it he would know more than most men born to it about being a king .
21 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
22 Only after he finished in his world 's best time of 4 minutes 12¾ seconds did George learn that the tenacious Scot had collapsed sixty yards from the tape and had fallen on the grass .
23 Harry brooded , frowning terribly as he toyed with his knife .
24 In the event it was 1928 before they finally left the course on loan to a Mr. Parsons so long as he looked after them .
25 As regards the incompetent child , only his parents or legal guardian may speak for him , and then only for as long as he remains under their control or until majority at 18 years of age .
26 The fields which Miss Lockwood owned are also left to you , Sara , with the provision that Mr. Preston must have the use of them for as long as he requires for his horses . "
27 ‘ It really does n't matter to me how you get upstairs , ’ he said indifferently as he followed behind her .
28 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
29 He used to help out now and again , but only when he felt like it .
30 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
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