Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] give the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tizard ( 1977 ) , whilst rightly arguing that new families need to be totally in control of the way they bring up their adopted children , is also prepared to concede that ‘ just as there are some couples willing to adopt handicapped children , others , especially if given the support of other adoptive parents , may be willing to adopt children who retain links with their natural families ’ .
2 Their job was to hold on as long as they could against impossible odds , so as to give the rest of the army time to concentrate in a hammer-blow at the enemy centre .
3 Before passing on , I will introduce a piece of terminology of my own and call central-system thinking ‘ cognisance ’ , a term chosen so as to give the flavour of knowledge , rationality , and accessibility to consciousness .
4 The poem is written so as to give the impression of fleeting thoughts , which take him even as he is in conversation with these men , Brad and John , in a bar .
5 Rather than give the Secretary of State expert opinions that I do not have , I suggest that all those involved in the political process here , in Northern Ireland , in the Republic of Ireland and everywhere have a bounden responsibility to start proper negotiations to end the nightmare that continued this weekend .
6 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
7 He drew in his breath sharply and gave the change to his wife , who put it into a double-clasped purse , which was then hidden in the inner pocket of a locked handbag .
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