Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] she [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had not liked him very much but she judged him to be one of those unfortunate men who dislike their neighbours even more than they dislike themselves and as such he was to be pitied , plodding on from day to day among his bingo-playing telly-watching parishioners .
2 I 've burnt half the food waiting for you , ’ Stephen snapped impatiently as she joined him by the smoking barbecue .
3 She made Fred see himself only as she described him as a man who was deliberately making his now pregnant wife unhappy .
4 Beth was convinced that Matthew would run away if she took him from this house , then what would become of him ?
5 He stood up smartly and she followed him with gratitude as he took from his pocket a large bunch of keys , from each of which dangled a carefully written label .
6 He caught them and tried to hold her still but she fought him like a spitting cat .
7 ‘ Pity to shut you away down here , ’ Mr Priddy said gruffly when she thanked him for his recommendation .
8 The princess kissed the frog and he did n't turn into a handsome prince but that was all right because she liked him as a frog .
9 Ellen was sure now that she had him for her own and most likely thought it a fair return for her investment of time and trouble .
10 Well and she put him through the hoop , nurses him .
11 Leith yelled , and as fury which she just could not contain spiralled out of control , her right hand arced through the air , and even as she hit him with all her strength , she was still yelling , ‘ Since it seems to be taking so long to sink in , you can bank on it — whoever pays my mortgage , you 're far , far at the back of the queue ! ’
12 The lady in the story ( as plainly told as it is titled ) inexplicably turns , halfway through an ordinary afternoon , into a bright-eyed vixen ; and the man in the story , equally inexplicably , Boy thought , remains faithful to her and loves her dearly even when she leaves him in order to raise a family with another animal and he even , in the end , goes mad with love for her .
13 ‘ Nature-lover , ’ he teased , and she knew then that she held him in some quite high regard .
14 He stood up abruptly and she followed him with her eyes , aching at the sight of his powerful body .
15 He was only halfway there when she passed him at full speed , shouting ‘ Slow coach ! ’ as she flew ahead .
16 She was still shaking her head from side to side and laughing softly when she shooed him from the kitchen and returned her attention to her magazine .
17 Despite that , Dane 's eyes glinted appreciatively when she joined him in the hotel foyer , and to her annoyance she felt a pleasant little warm glow deep inside .
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