Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But she avoided my lips , so that I brushed her cheek , and as I tried to find her mouth she said , ‘ No , Kit .
2 It was n't until I woke up at three o'clock that I remembered my husband .
3 We had arranged to meet Mrs Newton at her home at ten o'clock and I left my flat earlier than necessary to try to miss some of the rush-hour traffic , though how you avoid a rush hour which lasts from around seven in the morning to nine o'clock at night , I do not know .
4 I was in no mood to stop them so long as I got my mail .
5 Only when I lost my temper , pointing that people do n't always die during officer hours , did they offer to find someone .
6 I was nervous in the dressing room but once on the pitch and with the thrill of being presented to the Princess Royal it felt just great and I have never been so proud in my life , especially when I saw my sister , Kirsty , up in the stand .
7 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
8 ‘ I have been around too long to take anything for granted so when I saw which way the wind was blowing I just buckled down and got on with playing . ’
9 So when I parked my car I said to them I forgot how much it was in there , twenty pounds in the hotel as you 're not a guest they give them in reception .
10 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
11 ‘ I missed London desperately but I needed my clients here to sit up and and take notice of me and prove to them that I am fit , healthy and looking good again .
12 He warned MacLachlan , who recorded : ‘ Just as I took my place in the circle I saw four more Messerschmitts coming down out of the sun .
13 My immune system was on my side but needed support , just as I needed its support .
14 Well , it began with just when I got me money each week , 'cos I had a job , a weekend job with me uncle and I 'd get me money and I 'd just go out and score , get a coupla bags or something and then me mates 'd come round here and say , ‘ Can I do a smoke in here ? ’ , y'know , and so they would and they 'd give me a smoke for coming in here and eventually it started getting , like , from weeks , from weekends to days , becoming every day , like .
15 Soon as I saw 'is picture I knew what 'ad ‘ saved ’ Else .
16 Needless to say , as soon as I realised my error , the spell had been broken : the piercing aroma of geranium came through shrill and clear .
17 I came as soon as I received your message .
18 There was no need to plan what to say ; it would all be easy , as soon as I heard her voice .
19 Well the bad thing was , as soon as I picked my cards up I dropped them all you know ?
20 As soon as I loosened my grip the tiniest fraction — say to alter the angle of insertion from one that caused grievous bodily harm to one that was only very uncomfortable — the damned thing sprang into a new incarnation as a frisbee and shot across the room .
21 I had the tutor for a year right until I took my exams .
22 I have seized him by the hair of his head And shoved it into a bucket of water And I screwed his pistols up his arse A dam sight harder than I screwed his daughter ( Rum ti-iddle-ey etc ) .
23 I told her at once that I knew her secret , and made her promise not to send or receive any more letters .
24 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
25 Well usually cos I got my feet up on a bench and I ca n't reach keyboard so
26 She was so obviously upset by the break-up that I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up , and I asked her home because I thought my mother and sister might help her .
27 Ever since I produced my proposals about three months ago , I have thought that he was opposing them .
28 Ever since I reached my teens I have suffered with cellulite .
29 ‘ Because I 've been worried sick ever since I saw your car . ’
30 I mean yesterday after I had me dinner I dropped off to sleep for a couple of hours cos
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