Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So once I had passed through the obligatory outskirts of post-war , multi-storey housing estates and entered a labyrinth of blackened buildings in canyon-like streets with traffic jammed solid , I knew I had to be somewhere near the town centre .
2 ‘ You thought perhaps that I had forgotten about your existence ? ’
3 Then she reached over and gently tilted my chin up so that I had to look into her eyes .
4 Once again I felt the mysterious pleasure of being in an elevated Oxford chamber at night , among cloud and star , — so that I seemed to join in the inevitable motion of the planets , — and as I saw the sea of roofs and horned turrets and spires I knew that , although architecture is a dead language , here at least it speaks strongly and clearly , pompous as Latin , subtle as Greek .
5 I said almost nothing in the letter ; only that I 'd thought about her once or twice , that I had discovered what ‘ the waiting-room ’ meant ; and that she was to write back only if she really wanted to , I 'd quite understand if she did n't .
6 That second night in the porch was enough and I resolved to move on the following day , whatever happened .
7 The feeling of fear had subsided somewhat and I remembered looking into the rubble-strewn backyards and thinking how sad it was that they were now in ruin , as last time I was at the station they were occupied .
8 Cutting that over the numbers had me down and stopped well before the first intersection , a distance of around 400 metres , and I could have done much better if I 'd heaved on the brakes , which are single Goodyear discs with excellent stopping power .
9 as a pension , so if I 'd retired at that point , and then worked part time
10 So if I went to talk to Jess
11 But that was only because I 'd lived in it for a long time and I got a discount so the house was really
12 I was munching a meat pie and reading an early edition of the Standard when I saw them and then only because I happened to glance in the mirror .
13 ‘ The Empress , and only because I refused to cower at her anger .
14 One day , a year or so after I had landed at Heathrow , I was playing football in the playground , chasing the ball over the yard in the way of primary school kids , when a teacher , Mr Wright came up to me .
15 So after I finished Sleeping With The Enemy I walked Pennine Way to release all the pent-up aggression and that helped , ’ he says .
16 Much as I tried to break in several times , they always caught me and would n't let me in to see the poor people travelling .
17 I thought that this was a painting I should n't discuss with Lili , but only when I had walked to the end of the gallery to look at an innocuous picture of a group of long-haired sheep did I ask myself what Robert had been doing in Marie Claire 's bedroom .
18 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
19 And so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
20 It 's just that I needed to get in touch with my feelings . ’
21 It was just that I happened to ask at the right moment .
22 Hopeless , I walked towards the nearest town , which was further away than I cared to think about .
23 Oh no , it was just because I went to talk to my manager about it before I went and I went through my diary with him and everything .
24 Just after I 'd stepped under the shower , I heard him come up behind me .
25 Just after I 'd finished at college , I went along to someone 's party and I remember telling this girl who I was chatting up that I played bass .
26 Com , coming out the back tell me how just as I 'd gone by the door and er
27 ‘ … well , they got up and left so I thought I 'd clear their glasses as soon as I 'd finished with the man I was serving .
28 I intended to pick up my car and come over to see you as soon as I 'd talked to Bertelli , but when I got back here Lorenzini had this message from up near the fort .
29 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
30 We had done a lot of hard motoring through three countries and , although we had by no means seen all of the Scandinavian birds , we had achieved more than I had expected on a first trip .
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