Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This semi-audible remark made me uneasy — that there had been debate at all on my utility — so much so that I wished I had never heard it .
2 Said not , not only that I said we do n't have anywhere to park her car that 's why I said I 'm after your car park .
3 That would be loss enough if I watched him go with only longing for him in my heart but there is instead a bitterness because he is happy to go life there being preferable to here where there is only his tired wife for company .
4 So if I asked you to calculate one of your own , you 'd be able to do it , yes .
5 I said you , she said yes , I 'm afraid so and I said I do sometimes begrudge it to those men in there .
6 As we sat drinking sherry together and I watched her acquire the jowled ovine features of all elderly English gentlewomen , I found it hard to summon up my old anger .
7 I attacked your servant only because I believed he had killed you .
8 I never thought to see the day , and all because I said I fiddled with wireless .
9 so while I cooked you studied starcharts
10 ‘ It was n't long before I wished I had never said that .
11 It was not long before I found I liked the Semmens family very much .
12 Sparks had been my life for only 16 years , but long before I joined I had admired its style , history and clientele — over a century of selling fine Chinese art , for the past 60 years from that great drawing-room of a shop in Mount Street .
13 The Race Relations Act says that you can do this you can have courses especially for black or Asian people so as I said you have to be unemployed you have to be black or Asian and you have to live in either Radford Hyson Green St Annes Lenton or Snainton .
14 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
15 Yeah my hair was that long when I had it cut .
16 ‘ It was just that I heard it call so I knew there must be one about . ’
17 No I , no I understand what you 're saying , it 's just that I thought you said three questions of each .
18 Yeah called me in two days so they gave me today and tomorrow off as well , so it 's sort of gone longer than I expected you know ?
19 A small party of bird watchers rounded a bend in the path fifty yards away and I beckoned them to hurry .
20 ‘ My anger at the time of his death was n't just because I believed you 'd distracted him , it was more complicated than that . ’
21 Just because I said I did n't like talking to old ladies and children !
22 Soon after I qualified I got married — knew it was a mistake straight away .
23 Then just before I left I heard that Jennifer 's MS had been diagnosed .
24 You had to stand and have the clothes made on you , and just when I thought they looked wonderful , she 'd go RIP ! and snatch a whole sleeve off .
25 ’ Describing to Louise the heroic quest for style that Madame Bovary represents ( April 19th , 1852 ) , he explains : ‘ How many times have I fallen flat on my face , just when I thought I had it within my grasp .
26 ‘ I can tell you exactly when I saw you last , ’ Peter said , the urge to surprise her briefly triumphing over the other emotions she aroused .
27 Everything became bitingly clear to me as soon as I saw him turn round sharply and stare at me .
28 As soon as I saw you riding , I knew you 'd make it — so long as they did n't get to you .
29 As soon as I saw you fainted away , I quitted the bed .
30 As soon as I saw you go down I gave the order to fire , ’ Moran said .
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