Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 So if I was to say to you that you can take him to the Justices if that 's your pleasure - " He turned and fixed Sir Gregory with eyes that radiated hatred from beneath fiery brows — " I do n't think you 'd like that , would you ?
2 Especially if I 'm going to sort of give you things like Y equals erm cos E to the minus K X. I mean it 's only a simple one .
3 I 've done that on trains , I 've done that on a tour bus quite recently , and of course the response you get can be very , very aggressive and that 's sometimes quite hard to handle but I take the precaution of always checking before I go somewhere that I 'm going to , I 'm going to be backed up , for example , erm before I go I purchase my holiday , I actually checked with the tour company that they did n't allow smoking on the buses
4 It was just that I was longing to be your hostess . ’
5 I 'm going out tonight so I 'm trying to be well today .
6 Do n't walk away cos I 'm connected to you .
7 No need to neglect the chickens just because I 'm talking to Jin . ’
8 Just as I was going to work .
9 Peter : Why did you go backwards when I was coming to you ?
10 ‘ As soon as I was introduced to the concept of the Dewhurst Tennis Academy , ’ said Mr Dick , ‘ and its sole directive to produce champions , I knew that I had to assist in this exciting initiative for British tennis ’
11 As soon as I 'm going to be interested by what you first said and then where are you going to go to next .
12 ‘ I am two months ’ pregnant and need to get an abortion quickly as I 'm going to a big bash next week with my boy-friend . ’
13 ‘ There 's no doubt I can learn a lot about racing from Alain and I will be looking forward to that opportunity — but I have to say also that I am aiming to be my own man . ’
14 Just as I had been told repeatedly that I was destined to ‘ do well ’ , so then I was being told that I was destined to be ‘ stout ’ .
15 Now that it was really beginning , now that I was going to be near him , I felt as strung up and as energized as Zak , and no doubt suffered the same compelling anxiety that things should n't go wrong .
16 Now if I 'm going to hand out leaflets on the corner in Dayton , you 're damn right I 'm going to the convention now I have the entré . ’
17 Now if I were to suggest to you that in some gay bars the ‘ lads ’ pop off to the toilets that number of times to indulge themselves , then you might think I was repeating lurid propaganda put about by the puritan league .
18 So we were able to tell how many tickets of certain classes were sold each day but not route by route , we 'd lost that that facility because the waybills just were n't big enough and of course the , wa everything got mechanical but now I mean I do n't profess to know anything about what happens now but I was introduced to it when I went down there for a retirement and believe me it 's , it 's all electronics now they can tell how a ticket machine is issuing tickets at any particular one day by this , this electronic business , this computers .
19 ‘ And he went to the degree of saying , when I pressed him , how are we going to stay in this business ; he said , Albert , for all I know right now when I am talking to you , we could be finished with the business ; I do n't know . ’
20 Everton 's Peter Beardsley made a less optimistic assessment : ‘ When we get players injured there 's nothing like the depth of talent in reserve here that I was used to at Liverpool .
21 Well if I 'm going to this meeting .
22 well , well if I 'm going to be going home , leave it , cos if I 'm going to go home it 's pointless
23 I 'm booked tomorrow because I 'm going to Blackbush at seven o'clock in the morning
24 Since well before I was elected to this House , I have pressed for the provision of secure accommodation to end the scandal of young offenders and remand prisoners in particular being held in prison accommodation .
25 I was able to recall perfectly quite long sequences of words even when I was exposed to each for little more than twenty milliseconds .
26 Even when I was going to school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I was doing gigs , and when I finished with school I realised that I was able to get by with just the gigs .
27 I did n't know then that I was going to be a politician . ’
28 I knew then that I was going to be an artist .
29 just leave it there cos I 'm going to the loo .
30 Well maybe if I was forced to .
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