Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] it [verb] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So far , the British Electric Traction Co. had held all the capital and completely controlled the expenditure and policy of the South Metropolitan undertaking , just as it had when it worked the Corporation system .
2 Certainly , as Abraham set out to offer Isaac as a sacrifice in the way God had commanded him , his faith was flying blind in its implicit obedience , just as it had when he set out from Ur for a country which he had never seen .
3 Look through the south door to the garden and there , across the moat , the formal garden of yews and allées stretches towards the downs just as it did when it was first laid out .
4 To prepare for this he had moved many of his photographs , pictures , books and other possessions from London so that the house , though not looking exactly as it did when he was there , became a showplace bursting with Shaviana .
5 But does it live self-consciously , or blithely as it did when I was a child ?
6 So er obviously I did n't know anything about the money owed or we would 've endeavoured to pay it off straight away when we went to the bank er originally when it went when it folded .
7 Rather as it looked when I lay there in the dark , wedged between the changed Herta and the cold wall , in full confidence of erotic failure .
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