Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [ex0] [vb base] been [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a recent development ; there have been mentally handicapped people for as long as there have been people , and efforts to cope with their presence have been proceeding since the last century .
2 There have been mentally handicapped people for as long as there have been people but , before the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century , public awareness was low .
3 Airline pilots commonly have difficulty in sleeping properly after long flights , especially when there have been time-zone changes .
4 Certainly I I 've been aware for a while now that there have been problems at Kingslane general in terms of of break ins erm not just specifically with the launderette but with also the community room er there and certainly I I 've been engaged in making one or two suggestions about how security measures could be improved .
5 Even when there have been tensions and problems , we may have spent many out-of-work hours caring for parents , and there may be deep-rooted feelings of loss .
6 In practice , to date , pursuers ' agents by and large have tended to specify their case with as much detail as previously though there have been efforts , to date challenged successfully , to give a briefer outline not much different from the initial letter of claim .
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