Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [det] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Decisions about design , especially where these involve the introduction of technological innovations , can then be interpreted both as reflecting priorities within a society and as influencing the ways in which technological developments will affect that society .
2 The first investigation of a large representative sample of step-children confirmed that the documented economic and social problems created by divorce were considerably alleviated by remarriage , especially where this provided a step-mother ( Ferri , 1984 ) .
3 It contends that attempts to generate institutions capable of dealing with Britain 's long-term economic problems are thwarted by a political system that encourages an adversary relationship between the two main political parties , one that enables them to alternate in office so that each undoes the work of the other .
4 One solution to the problem of stereotyping , and of endangered adulthood , is to rotate staff so that all have the opportunity to serve young people for short periods in their own particular way .
5 So far as the acquiring company is concerned , the shares transferred to it are acquired at their actual value at the time of transfer , so that that forms the base value if and when they come to be disposed of .
6 The Situationists were idealists in the sense that they perceived themselves apart from the spectacle , always managing to be ‘ other-than-spectacular ’ , as Levin puts it , so that this became a pre-condition of Situationist practice .
7 So while some ended the day in search of a different career .
8 We have seen above that this involves a shift from the concrete perceptual meaning of " following a phenomenon with the senses " to viewing perception merely as the basis for asserting that the infinitive 's event really took place .
9 The strategies naturally varied from case to case , but all addressed the broad goals outlined above and all included a publicity programme of meetings , brochures and media coverage .
10 As soon as this happens the oligonucleotide can act as a primer for DNA polymerase and is extended to form a new double stranded molecule .
11 He could have resented being called out on such a dark , stormy night , not saddled the King 's horse properly and this caused the accident on Kinghorn Ness .
12 The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising has already called on the ITC to monitor spots given to self-promotion on Thames ( MW last week ) , but the rest of the ITV broadcasters are likely to protest loudest if this becomes a reality .
13 In essence , you simply need to use an outline of what the screen should show , and the software more or less does the rest for you .
14 There are plenty of both , more than enough to sustain an indictment of the war , but insufficient for an understanding of what it was all about .
15 Wetting the underneath of the saddle with it would have been more than enough to kill the horse .
16 He reached 96 with red-blacks anyway , more than enough to secure the title .
17 An unsuccessful fishing is a most discouraging event to the dwellers in these remote western isles : hundreds leaving every year for the east coast ; when fortunate , they will be able to bring home with them , after clearing all expenses for board , etc. , more than enough to pay the rent of their crofts ; but in a bad year they may come away in debt to the curer .
18 they had no vision of a classless society , erm , personally while I 've no desire to see uniformity , I see no earthly reason why some people because they have a lower income should be compelled to live in inferior and perhaps crowded conditions , whereas the man with five or six or seven times their income can choose a larger house in a much more delightful district and I think it is things like that that make the difference between what I as a young socialist agitator was advocating and what we find today .
19 ‘ But before that happened , it would have to get the permission of the panel which would have to consider very carefully if that affected the independence of the audit . ’
20 Rick fancies Sharon from afar but neither has the confidence to make a move .
21 Though the Dragon Princes were few the destruction they could wreak was unmatched then as it is now and few dared the wrath of Caledor .
22 Even with the present set-up , their seemed reasonable recruitment figures overall but few stayed the course to reach the upper levels of racing achievement creating what was described as ‘ a meatless sandwich . ’
23 You were only supposed to take the birds directly before you , not follow them sideways because that meant the man in the next butt could come within range .
24 It is not yet clear though whether this marks the beginning of a sustained upturn or an aberrant blip on the graph .
25 So in so far as that affects the confession it may mean that it could be removed but that 's really completely irrelevant to you because erm that 's his confession , not evidence against him .
26 Everett ( H.C. , 1989 ) it was held that the court had jurisdiction to review a decision to refuse to issue a passport even although this involved the exercise of a prerogative power .
27 Moreover , it may at any time be varied or revoked by an ordinary resolution even if that involves an alteration of the articles .
28 The association has stated clearly that it is up to British Rail — and , perhaps , the Government — to take such dangers into account if they wish to increase railway speeds , as many of us would like , and to ensure that people can cross the line safely , even if that means the Government providing the money either for an underpass of for a bridge over the line .
29 This is provided by ‘ enforcement notices ’ under which an owner who carries out development without permission or in breach of conditions can be compelled to ‘ undo ’ the development , even if this involves the demolition of a new building .
30 But as long as there was a chance of helping Amy , Theodora resolved she would do her best , even if this meant an encroachment on her precious holiday .
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