Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
2 Then he would make a pair of horns with his hands and step slowly backwards , and the closer he got to the bedside lamp the bigger the shadow grew , so that finally it outgrew the wall and spread across the ceiling and towered above him , a vast and terrible Demon .
3 She had decided , in fact , to return the outfit , and Faye 's mentioning it like this forced the issue so that finally she found the courage to speak .
4 Yet they attached the greatest importance to the economic ( and its organization , the State ) , so that ultimately they denied the right of national self-determination ( that is , the right to an independent State ) .
5 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
6 Unlike parish churches , they are rarely open except at service times , so if ever you see the door of a chapel open — when it is being cleaned or the organist is practising — be sure to go inside .
7 He had thought it might be so and now he had the Proof .
8 You work it out in stages , little bits , and then you add the bits together and then you add the bits together , so you say , well I could do a hundred times seventeen and then I could do ones times seventeen .
9 ‘ Saturday is usually hectic in the shop and I 'm ready for bed and a book by ten o'clock but tonight I felt the need of a nightcap .
10 The number of weeks paid holiday that a worker will get is increasing rapidly so as today we have the norm of twenty days plus public bank holidays , giving more time if you like to engage in a package holiday abroad .
11 Sooner or later you hit the Lower Road .
12 So we take that away and then you got the refurbishment programme and now taken away from the refurbishment programme something like two hundred , now where is the if you 're refurbishing four homes where is the vacancies when you close the home , you have made the staff the redundant , they go up the road or out wherever they 're going to redundancy persons .
13 We would rather have gone somewhere else if that was what we wanted ; it was n't quite right somehow and so we painted the windows up again . )
14 Heads down , strenuously and determinedly we fought the southerly swell for a couple of hours before arriving at An t-Aigeach , a wild though sheltered inlet , respite , complete with deer , a heron and a live floating urchin .
15 I have most of them already and besides I enjoy the reputation of being the best teacher .
16 Then coolly and carefully he tossed the rough cloth over the lowered horns .
17 Blushing furiously she turned away but still she felt the eyes of the Frenchman on her naked back .
18 Slowly and carefully he made the thick , pliable rope into a noose .
19 And slowly and carefully he peeled the garment over her head , his hands unsteady as he completed the task .
20 Slowly and sensually he traced the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue .
21 When the Young Man returns and the movement is again repeated more slowly and deliberately it becomes the signal of a tender reunion .
22 The review may be evaluated generally by how effectively and efficiently it met the objectives set out in Document 1 , on the basis of which it had been negotiated .
23 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
24 Sometimes I used to see the funny side of these sessions , but he was not one to tolerate flippancy and more than once I received the rough side of his tongue .
25 Melissa , struggling to follow the staccato bursts of speech that punctuated their intake of food , was so fascinated by their mannerisms that more than once she lost the thread of what they were saying and had to beg them to speak more slowly , which they did with great good humour and shrieks of tinny laughter .
26 I never ceased to be astounded by how quickly and thoroughly he absorbed the notes I gave him . ’
27 More and more they saw the folly of setting out with a medium in search of a message …
28 She looked at him once more and then she left the room .
29 The Manager joined Andrew Cunningham underground and together they continued the search but it was in vain and they were forced to return to the surface .
30 Their lips met once more as slowly they savoured the pure essence of love .
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