Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] be [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 A Gestalt is a mode of perception of a group of objects — say of the dots in a printed picture — so that they are seen as one thing .
2 So much so that they are seen as ‘ natural . ’
3 It 's a bonus to have your papers delivered , but my newspaper boy , like all others , had perfected the art of cramming them in the letter box so that they were shredded as you pulled them inside .
4 This morning the sky was blue with powder-puff clouds and the sea sparkled so that he was dazzled when he looked at it .
5 Mhm yeah and erm that kind of thing comes into it so that I was wondering if there 's any way of er kind of y'know and what y'know where 's that something about changing changing changing changing rooms somewhere ?
6 If doubt can be turned destructively against truth so that it is dismissed as error , doubt can also be used constructively to prosecute error disguised as .
7 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
8 What happens if the income is paid to a person resident in the United Kingdom and it is paid so that it is received as taxable income in the hands of that beneficiary ?
9 ‘ Do n't you think , in the circumstances … perhaps if you were to write when you get home …
10 What is wrong , however , is the comparison which places universities at the top because they are thought to be concerned with the abstract and academic , polytechnics below , because of their more technological emphasis ( which is itself , as often as not , a myth ) , and which deems schools to be worth considering only if they are seen as primarily devoted to academic ‘ standards ’ , imposed from above by the universities themselves .
11 So if you 're saying if say it was a railway where the gradients are very not very steep at all .
12 and especially if you 're cooking as well .
13 Yeah together and I 'm wondering whether we could put them in together if we wanted a sixteen .
14 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
15 We spent a day together when it was finished because I knew there was going to be a fuss .
16 Therefore the structures seen in ( 1a ) are acceptable ( where boldened material = expanded dip ) : whereas the structures seen in ( 1b ) are debarred : The treatment of these expanded dips is very plausible since it shows that the distribution of elements within the verse-line can be derived from phonological behaviour : verbal prefixes , for example , are exempted from the constraint on expanded dips , just as they are labelled as extra-metrical in word-stress derivations .
17 ‘ Metalscape ’ captures the POD venom with a massive thump — the song 's arrangement lets the lyrical flow build and build until , just as you 're wondering if Jim Steinman is in the house , the whole thing falls back and gently rises again in an enchanting manner .
18 Just as I 'm wondering if I have time to nip across to silence it , there 's a burst of shouting that nearly jolts it off the table .
19 Then , just when I was wondering if there had been some mistake , a man came up full of apologies , ‘ I 'm so sorry , ’ he said .
20 For many older people in our study the process began as soon as they were registered as unemployed .
21 Second , according to Adomnan'ś Life of Columba , Oswald is said , reputedly on his own testimony , to have had a vision of St Columba on the eve of the battle of ‘ Heavenfield ’ , and as soon as he was established as king he sent a request to Columba 's monastic foundation on Iona among the Dalriadic Scots for a bishop , receiving in due course Aidan ( HE 111 , 3 ) .
22 A room which is thoroughly comfortable when it is felt to be simply " untidy " becomes uninhabitable as soon as it is perceived as " dirty " .
23 A Security Council vote to enforce its no-fly zone declaration had been expected as early as yesterday but it was postponed because of arduous negotiations over a final text , including the grace period before shoot-down or other orders could be issued .
24 She knows she could have pointed out how troops from India fought alongside the British in the war , or that she was born in that far-off , exotic setting , Middlesbrough General Hospital , and was indeed just on her way home but he was drunk as well as ill-informed , so it hardly seemed worth it .
25 Education and , to some extent , housing , were allocated only limited support , partly because they were seen as dominating mainstream local-authority expenditure .
26 Some groups were not favourably received partly because they had little to offer the council but also because they were seen as making ‘ unreasonable ’ demands on the local authority — that is , demands which did not square with the councillors ' own policy predispositions .
27 The book was an immediate success , not only for its sexual interest and its association with the notorious Maundy Gregory [ q.v. ] , but also because it was seen as introducing a new mode of biography .
28 Mrs Hollidaye had pointed out how one could see creatures even more clearly when they were silhouetted as in a shadow cut-out .
29 Wigan rugby league , they do a very good physio now and he was saying when he was Leigh , he was with Leigh rugby league first of all , they had players in their second team and it was their sole intention
30 Although he had had a smoker 's cough for many years , it was less than a year ago that he was diagnosed as having incurable lung cancer .
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