Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [is] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It , it 's an estimate so that it 's there if anybody wants to say .
2 Erm , it 's once a week , but I think they 're coming in the they 're here twice this week er , and I think , it 's as and when they can , so if it 's more than once a week then they will be here .
3 So if it 's less than three centimetres from P it 's got to be up this end .
4 Yeah he should n't be long before he 's home but
5 Play allowed to continue , forwards towards , he 's had a good game tonight if it 's even if it 's not his regular position he 's been pushed there by and as a result it 's a free kick to Shrewsbury Town .
6 The orbit will be circular and the Moon will be about 1½ times as far away as it is now and so total solar eclipses will not occur .
7 As soon as he 's more or less mastered something , he 's bored with it . ’
8 The Engineering Employers Federation says that its members ’ strongly support the Government 's objective of providing a balanced and effective framework of trade union and industrial relations law ’ and that ’ the step by step approach has been seen by all to have worked successfully and it is right that it should continue . ’
9 Right if it 's more than two then it 's heaviest , I have ever tasted clay ?
10 Twenty , she 's more than she 's more than twenty years younger than me .
11 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
12 The West Bank terminal was again the focus of job losses yesterday because it is there that the greatest loss of business has occurred .
13 This would offer an overview of the environment — both as it is now and how it might become on present trends .
14 If the bit-wise comparisons match ( and the length is checked more accurately if it is more than 10 ) then the word shape is checked .
15 tape on the it went and did it again on me now and it 's well and truly gone I 'll have to buy another one .
16 But at the moments you wish you were shot of the whole thing you know perfectly well that it 's precisely because you could n't endure to be without it , now you know about it , that you 've got to go through all this .
17 Well if she 's home if she 's home I 'll get her to pop in at two , if she 's not home I 'll get her to come in at quarter past five .
18 Everyone has some quality they like , even if it is just that you are kind to animals .
19 It is generally possible to isolate at least one compelling selling feature even if it is only that your client 's product is the cheapest .
20 In 1990–91 the minimum benefit someone could receive was 50p , however from April 1991 benefit will be paid even if it is less than 50p a week .
21 He said quite , quote , in my experience people who have access to , or are offered this level of care , even if it 's even if it is started , it is rarely continued for more than a few months .
22 Even if it 's even if people had sold their houses to the local council .
23 Well okay , those of you who liked the Shakespeare better , for whatever reasons , even if it 's just because you did n't get to grips with Johnson , which of the plays , first of all , erm did you find most interesting ?
24 It 's Weathernly as it 's more or less .
25 Though the Dragon Princes were few the destruction they could wreak was unmatched then as it is now and few dared the wrath of Caledor .
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