Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] some of " in BNC.

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1 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
2 The student is given the opportunity either of broadening his areas of study so that he learns some of the principles and methods of several disciplines or of concentrating on the narrower range in order to become a specialist after suitable experience , training or further study .
3 If you can identify some of them , you may find you can arrange things so that you avoid some of the situations that make you feel Not-OK and increase your exposure to situations where you experience OKness .
4 So if we move some of these off the table
5 So if we want some of these as well well we ai n't gon na get cheaper to go with these whatever happens we know that .
6 But the Tories still have time to recover , especially if they jettison some of the more unattractive aspects of Thatcherism .
7 Do we find that when we sit in worship , often the language that preachers use , especially when they use some of the so called theological language .
8 Venables added : ‘ It is unfair that the stigma of being a cheat was attached to Gordon and to our club in the first place , especially when you consider some of the play-acting that goes on abroad . ’
9 And that made it all the more thrilling , especially when she recalled some of the women he 'd been photographed with .
10 Yeah , perhaps it 's just that I know some of the loonies that go up there and get what they want every time .
11 In return for the high interest you earn , your money is tied up and can not be withdrawn easily if you need some of it in a hurry .
12 The Council of Ten in Venice have sent three assassins against me just because I borrowed some of their gold and forgot to repay it .
13 The West Indies were back home and they restored some of their public 's faith that had been so shaken by their failures in the World Cup .
14 F. Four New Towns have been growing rapidly as they attract some of the population to better housing and new jobs in their own footloose industries .
15 Ireland , at least , salvaged a measure of respectability in Poznan yesterday as they showed some of their traditional fighting spirit to beat the French .
16 These can be regarded as classics of their kind , and are important not only because of their intrinsic interest as dramatic events in history , but also because they illustrate some of the facets of volcanic eruptions which will be discussed in later chapters .
17 Sometimes I wonder now whether I dreamed some of it , so much was just unbelievable , so grotesque .
18 The assumption that there is a necessary connection between democracy and freedom is surely correct , even if we take some of the narrower definitions of democracy .
19 The Cornish are fortunate to be able to paint their regional discontents in the attractive colours of Celtic tradition , which makes them so much more visible , even though it leads some of them to reinvent a language not spoken for 200 years , and even though the only popular public tradition with genuine roots in the country is Wesleyan Methodism .
20 I remembered then that you had some of your luggage in Mariánské Láznë .
21 I think there 's a book-rack up there and I think some of them , the patterns are out of the magazine and they 're just , in a rack , I think .
22 But the existence of such fields within the undergraduate curriculum is interesting not least because it raises some of the basic epistemological and educational questions in a particularly sharp form ; questions which may have caused some of the digestive problems which the CNAA has had with courses in art and design .
23 It was to get in those lectures , of course , ’ she added , flushing a little as she recalled some of the pointed remarks the headmistress had made to her , about lack of initiative and weakness of will .
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