Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 In some places there were nagging clouds of black flies , so that I climbed through the trees like a new Orestes , cursing and slapping .
2 He had raised his voice so that it carried through the babel of the many conversations at the high table , and even reached the nearest of the lesser knights below .
3 They pump oxygen into the bloodstream , so that it passes through the heart and reaches the working muscles .
4 It was some time after ten o'clock that I strolled through the gate on to the terrace .
5 Her brows puckered thoughtfully as she ran through the scene in her mind again ; maybe she had over-reacted .
6 Privacy was not a word in our vocabulary , and postcards and diaries were mercilessly read aloud as we trekked through the jungle of North Borneo .
7 We 're almost there , ’ Robyn pleaded aloud as she peered through the rain-soaked windscreen , between the wipers that were belting furiously back and forth as if their lives depended on it .
8 Look down on the trees , lakes and mountains far below as you soar through the air … .
9 This will build up obviously as we go through the course .
10 But it was only when I punched through the thick , creamy crest and the rainbow mist cleared from my eyes that I finally gave up all hope .
11 Only when he came through the trees and round the small hill that sheltered the house , only then did he see the soldiers who had camped in the house and the grounds .
12 They looked at the same things together as they walked through the ruins of Milan .
13 On her office desk sits a picture of mother and daughter laughing together as they stroll through the Lake District .
14 Thus if you go through a drill of vital actions , or check-list each time , you will ensure that you do not forget any item .
15 Pulling a few exaggerated grimaces just before you go through the door will help you make the first important smile .
16 Everywhere they came upon beetles , spiders and small lizards which scurried away as they pushed through the fibrous , resistant heather .
17 ‘ Library , ’ said Mrs Stych shortly as she staggered through the snow towards her house .
18 ‘ She 'd have a lot to get used to at first , ’ Rose said absently as she scanned through the letter .
19 The beauty and clarity of our spring day was forgotten momentarily when we lumbered through a mighty ocean of dung and mud , caused by a recent and substantial visitation from the farmer 's cows .
20 Voices were raised outside as he progressed through the crowd , but he told everyone to ‘ move on ’ and ‘ go home ’ , instructions which , of course , were ignored .
21 Why do perfectly confident women feel intimidated as soon as they walk through the door of a salon ?
22 It was there as soon as she passed through the doors of their East Side brownstone .
23 ‘ As soon as she walked through the door all the memories came flooding back and she burst into tears , ’ Rosemary said .
24 As soon as he walked through the door of the rather dark basement flat in the Bayswater Road and heard her explain that Pauline 's boyfriend was ill so she had gone off to his place to see what she could do for him , Freddie wanted to flee .
25 Almost as soon as he walked through the door of his office , his phone started to ring .
26 As soon as he went through the door , Antony leaned over and kissed Jenny lightly on the lips .
27 She 'ave ter goo , ’ she stormed as soon as he got through the door .
28 Owen and Adam came running to meet the little priest as soon as he rode through the gate and paced wearily into the stable-yard .
29 As soon as he come through the door I go for his jugular and take everything out on him and it , it 's not fair .
30 He describes himself as a ‘ TV animal ’ who switches on the set at home as soon as he walks through the door .
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