Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
2 The liberal compromises : " Let's prune , so that we lose neither the old trunk nor the new branches " .
3 We 've got , we have n't got capital programme there is minus of two thousand to show in appendix two but we usually have an itemized area by area booklet on the minor scheme so that we know where the minor capital schemes are , but we have n't got that
4 Erm , amateur societies just ca n't exist without loyal officers and those officers have shown their loyalty by s standing again and we know the special circumstances appertaining to the , which brings us to the nitty- gritty now erm you said we have , Tracy , five erm perhaps you 'd better read those names out for us and then I think the best thing to do is to have a closed vote , where we give you all a piece of paper on which you state your nomination folded up so nobody else can see we 'll put them in a bag and then we 'll appoint a couple of to count the vote so that we do not the chairman .
5 The chemicals have to be carefully selected so that they affect only the tin oxide and nothing else .
6 I 'll put it this way so that you 've not the plaster on your your bruised bit .
7 This was a mood that did not last ; the secular spirit is natural , it is more than ever clear , to modern industrial states — so much so that it invades even the clergy .
8 You can collapse the outline so that it shows just the titles of each slide or expand it so that you see the text of bullet charts .
9 She nodded , spilling juice down her front so that it trickled down the pop star 's face .
10 Not only that you see alright the mortgage rates might go up but I mean if you 're working your wages are gon na go up Stuart .
11 It moves another two inches and stops , then another two inches and stops , and continues like so until I pick up the rod and strike .
12 It seemed bigger than the sun and it sailed with a peculiar swiftness up into the heavens , growing paler and brighter as it did so until it lit up the plain with a dull , yellow light .
13 Obviously if we close up the ocean again , the resemblances would not be so startling .
14 The expert clause in the parties ' contract will be the only document likely to have a decisive effect , and then only if it lays down the procedure in detail , which many do not do .
15 Losing your erection is easy enough if you store up the right anti-erotic thoughts .
16 So if we cut out the one
17 So if you count only the I five land , you get a figure of thirty two point six hectares
18 ‘ Individually , they are very nice children , ’ says John , ‘ but put them together and they bring out the worse in each other — like football supporters . ’
19 And they put all those factors together and they weighed up the alternatives and you 've heard some of them already .
20 They both produced nationalist movements in the 19th century , perhaps because they inhabited almost the only two parts of Spain to have an industrial revolution then .
21 But in the end it was n't enough because they had n't the courage to confront and defy the handful of men who control the trade union bureaucracy .
22 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
23 I mean , it 's not all that long since they threw out the Tsar , is it .
24 It just says that we have to make the the call for nominations so long before we put out the selection ballot .
25 Lydia realised this afresh when she came downstairs the following morning .
26 Not so long as they handed over the pound notes — though smiling Clyde took most of those , the greedy sod .
27 ‘ Cheap electricity 's the answer to the first — sod the cost to the environment so long as it keeps down the cost to the consumer .
28 It hardly matters what you are angry about , so long as you convey clearly the message that you are on the point of a serious psychotic meltdown and anyone getting in your way is liable to be no more than a bag of pimply skin and bone shards lying in a pool of blood within seconds .
29 Charming she thought , feeling acutely humiliated , especially as it drove home the fact that she 'd made little or no impact upon this man .
30 Melissa smiled fondly as she put down the phone .
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