Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun pl] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It all comes down to practical implementation of flexible working hours and job sharing , so that women working in the nursing profession do not have to follow male patterns of employment , where eventually they find that combining family responsibility with work is simply too difficult , and they leave .
2 However , although phase space volume on average contracts in a dissipative system , so that trajectories passing through a large volume of phase space end up passing through a smaller volume , this does not mean that distance ( or separation ) is also contracting .
3 Wooden platforms or stages were erected at different levels , so that men working on the various portions of the vehicle were facilitated in their task .
4 The questionnaire will be divided into matters relating to the applicant personally and matters relating to the firm within which the applicant works .
5 The questionnaire will be divided into matters relating to the applicant personally and matters relating to the firm within which the applicant works .
6 The interactions of X-rays with living tissues were studied in very few laboratories , perhaps because physicists working with the new rays were not usually well informed about the biological problems which might be worth approaching , and biologists lacked the background and training in physics necessary to use X-rays in their work .
7 Just as solicitors acting for the wife , where the matrimonial home stands in the husband 's sole name , will have given advice concerning the registration of a Class F Land Charge or a notice ( if registered land ) ; so , where the home stands in the joint names of husband and wife as beneficial joint tenants , will they have advised on severance of that joint tenancy in order to prevent the husband acquiring the whole property by operation of law in the event of the wife 's death before the determination of the matrimonial proceedings ( see Barton v Morris [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 1032 ) .
8 It would push a powerful Arab country back into implacable confrontation with Israel just when voices calling for a peace settlement are gaining strength throughout the Arab world .
9 By late afternoon , a full-scale battle had broken out with rockets and grenades exploding regularly and bullets thudding into the walls .
10 It is important to stress that this means some students working much faster , and probing much deeper , as well as others plodding at a much slower and more generalized rate .
11 But Longlands College in Middlesbrough has come up with a unique qualification , a BTEC Diploma in Business , Finance and Distribution , aimed at 16 to 19-year-olds as well as adults looking for a change in their career .
12 In this sense it is first and foremost the executive agency of the mind and is charged with the fundamental functions of decision-making and surveillance of the input from the senses as well as sensations arising from the instinctual drives of the id .
13 No more did they do so in the Black Country 's nail-making trade , where the family 's output depended upon women as well as men working at the anvil .
14 For Single Honours geographers , third and fourth years combine core courses in Geography with a choice of options drawn from an extensive list ranging from disease and environment , to leisure studies and regional specialisms , as well as courses focusing on the aspects of the discipline .
15 The general response from those who did attend courses was , however , overwhelmingly positive and , as well as comments relating to the subject matter itself , a significant number of participants made more general comments of support , such as : —
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