Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently as long as I get it on a P C disk , five inch
2 I want to give it a bit of a rest now and I 'm trying to leave it as long as possible before I have it permed again .
3 I 'm I 'm interested in making this job last as long as possible but I do n't think I want to go to retirement .
4 Fair enough as long as they come back and they put a ticket on .
5 so as long as we 've got a date by Saturday he can go and do it , if we still have n't got a date he wo n't be able to go and do it
6 ‘ Now then , as your duly elected leader , let me assure you that I am always working tirelessly on your behalf , and I will continue to do so as long as I remain your duly elected leader .
7 We 've call parked you Anthea , by Jo 's phone , so as long as you know that , you wo n't be too perturbed about the length of time , hopefully , so you put your handset down , and we can either wait 75 seconds , in which case what would happen .
8 So as long as you get rid of that one , two , three , four , you can press the space bar and then enter .
9 ‘ It 's all kegs nowadays , so as long as you keep it fairly cool , it comes up smiling . ’
10 A person 's autonomous choices call for respect only as long as they do not seriously impinge on another 's enjoyment of his autonomy and that other has not agreed beforehand to give up certain of his choices as a condition of practising medicine in , for example , the National Health Service .
11 Yet clearly this is true only as long as we leave the judging subject out of the picture .
12 There are probably about 50 stars within radio range if we assume that they have had radio technology for only as long as we have .
13 A tan is healthy only as long as you give your skin adequate protection from damaging rays and in the mountains the sun can be particularly strong .
14 All signals are thus essentially selective rather than instructive since they bring a minimal amount of new information to the cell , and only select from the possible responses open to the cell .
15 This account is couched in computational terms , which are objective rather than subjective but which relate to what one might call the ‘ structure ’ of phenomenology .
16 I like to use Norwegian salmon rather than Scotch as I find it more juicy and delicate in flavour .
17 For strokes to function successfully , however , they need to be genuine rather than phoney and they need to stroke the appropriate ego-state in the other person .
18 They should take responsibility for designing shifts and accept that shifts should be changed rather than discarded if they do not work .
19 This is the great hall and I could spend easily as long as I 've already spent on on this hall but I wo n't .
20 Later , while Rachel was checking supplies , Nina happened to mention that the new MO seemed to be proving more popular with the staff than the previous one had been , then added , ‘ Just as long as they do n't think he 's a soft touch and that they can come in here with a finger ache and think he 'll send them home . ’
21 Mark Hateley and I have 70 between us , which is incredible , but it really does n't matter if I score or not tomorrow just as long as we get one more than Bruges . ’
22 I can sleep anywhere for just as long as I 've got .
23 I do n't care what you 're writing down , just as long as I do n't see it in Republican News .
24 Just as long as you get up there in one piece and stay put all night you can crawl up on your hands and knees for all I care . ’
25 As long as you make the point , and and in the as long as the quotes are grammatical , and as long as you can understand it , the the simple thing about any kind of communication is that you should communicate you know rather than you 're not trying to win the Booker Prize , are you , so just as long as you get the information over do n't worry too much about the , the journalism .
26 Just as long as you remember that this is all make-believe . ’
27 But be quick : pick up your phone or else gird up your loins , grab your staff and hie you like blazes , sprinting as though pursued by the fires of hell , to the Arts Theatre or the Festival box office , whereupon you should pawn your handbag or your jock strap — even your jewels , just as long as you succeed in laying claim to a seat .
28 I have had a word with Swan and he has agreed to become your personal private aeroplane for just as long as you remain small enough to fly on his back . ’
29 And we 're insisting that you stay here just as long as you like , ’ she told them .
30 You stay just as long as you like and do n't worry about a thing . ’
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