Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] could [vb infin] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 She agreed to accompany me to the building society the next day so that we could withdraw Charlie 's share of the money .
2 Gloucester , travelling south from Yorkshire , proposed a rendezvous with the prince and his escort so that they could enter London together , and the prince 's route was modified accordingly .
3 Gloucester , travelling south from Yorkshire , proposed a rendezvous with the prince and his escort so that they could enter London together , and the prince 's route was modified accordingly .
4 Her family , applied to , began to scour the countryside for a suitable house , within reasonable commuting distance from London , in good condition , and recently decorated , so that she could move Richard straight there as soon as he was discharged from hospital .
5 Quickly , Alina stepped around her so that she could hold Sandy 's head in both of her hands ; Sandy made a weak attempt to struggle , but it was like fighting a rock .
6 In fact , for the first year or two she 'd expected to hear from him , asking for a divorce so that he could marry Marissa , who had , apparently , followed him to Sydney .
7 Despite the truce of 1748 , England and France were continually at war and , in due course , George II decided to allow William Pitt to become Prime Minister so that he could leave Britain and campaign against the French , as a result the French suffered notable defeats , losing against Clive in India ; also in America and at Quebec in Canada in 1759 .
8 He raised it and stood , trying to place himself so that he could offer Jehana shade from the sun .
9 He turned slightly so that he could see Ivy out of the comer of his eye .
10 I want to thank Mum and Dad for throwing this lovely party so that you could meet Annabelle and her family ( or Steven and his family ) .
11 So that I could welcome Isabelle 's daughter to my house in person . ’
12 I was ashamed of him , especially as I could see Estella laughing at me over Miss Havisham 's shoulder .
13 We knew also that we could get Lisboa Military on the ground at Viseu , and checked on arrival at the field and on taxying out that the weather was good at Port — that is , there were no CBs .
14 He was the first to emerge from the water , partly because he had an appointment with Rose , partly because he could see Araminta leaving .
15 Yet she was the only sane grown-up I knew now that I could cross Anwar and Jeeta off my list of normals .
16 As far as I could tell Frank had recovered from the breakdown we witnessed in late 1986 and , despite the months alone and the awful beatings he 'd received in the Pigsty , he still had a great sense of humour and told us hysterical episodes from his life , many of them against himself .
17 ‘ He 's just phoned from the car to say that as far as he could tell Harry had nothing to do with it .
18 Ought we to think less of Johnson for agreeing because he knew full well that he could influence Boswell ?
19 At that moment he wished strongly that he could change Clovis into some small helpless animal , and then step on him very hard .
20 And so even if we could produce Mercedes Benz over here alright , we probably would n't alright , unless all Mercedes Benz production were specialized over here , production has become a lot more specialized in manufacturing , where you just have large plants producing erm , the entire world production of that particular erm , product .
21 For the first time since she arrived in Rome , the connection came up immediately and she could hear Nora 's voice , distant but clear , at the other end .
22 And if human reason had been impaired by the Fall , what guarantee was there that one could think God 's thoughts after Him ?
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