Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] take [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Smiling a little ruefully at her own foolishness , she walked down the lane , guessing rightly that it would take her to the back of the cottage .
2 If we take out a joint mortgage , will she have to cash in her endowment policy so that we can take one out together ?
3 I 've committed myself to writing some notes on it in cooperation with you so that we can take them back to the group next week to discuss with the others .
4 The electricity people called to ask my permission to put poles in my land so that they could take it even higher , and I agreed to it .
5 This type of notice filing is intended to be simple , inexpensive and expeditious and to put persons on notice that a charge has been registered so that they can take whatever steps they consider appropriate to protect their interests .
6 Whatever floor that Ann 's been on has n't done something like put some money in so that they can take em somewhere else something like over in France or something like that .
7 Very often , parents can be helped by a clear description of the child 's abilities and the areas of relative weakness , especially if this is written down so that they can take it away and read it at their leisure .
8 The Regional Committees will be informed immediately of this selection so that they can take it into account when making their own choices .
9 and er they 've been back so that she can take her camera and that out , cos she kept cameras and er bedding and stuff in drawers
10 But I do know that the real Louise Müller was removed some time ago so that you could take her place . ’
11 if you passed , if you failed the eleven plus and if you were clever enough , you could take an exam , like an entry exam to go , it 's sort of if you improve from eleven to fifteen you could take an entry exam to go into grammar school then , so that you could take your G C E's
12 No , your gon na put those little sachets in there , there should be a bit wider in there so that you can take which one you want .
13 It will be videoed , to se you 'll make two applications within that small group session and a second will be videoed but only for you to see so that you can take it away and try and learn from er seeing yourself on video .
14 ( Any reputable solicitor will declare this immediately so that you can take your case elsewhere . ) ;
15 what what the insurance salesman do is do wobble you a little bit so that you will take it out , you know , can you afford down , if you were forty having a heart attack leaving a wife and young child behind .
16 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
17 I had a meal out with a friend recently , and now we 've got mother into hospital for a few weeks so that I can take my husband away on holiday .
18 So that I can take it off and if she gets in my way you can smack her with it !
19 My next-door neighbour agreed to take her , but I promised I 'd do my best to get back in time so that I could take her myself . ’
20 Danie Visser took the opportunity of his selection to South Africa 's first Davis Cup team to be announced since 1978 , to protest that they have been placed in the bottom Group , so that it will take them at least three years to qualify for the World Group .
21 So as I can take her for a ride and back .
22 I think she 's going to give up work soon so she can take it easy .
23 The sun is shining , it 's a beautiful day , we 'll throw our sandwiches discreetly away and I shall take you to lunch at the Lur Inn . ’
24 I can take it over there for the first service which is free anyway and I can take it back to Swansea for the others ca n't I ?
25 I mean those , by and large , those who who need to listen to what I 'm saying to and take it on board wo n't and those who already do do n't need it anyway but they 'll take it on board .
26 Just as they will take everything of any value in Ireland .
27 So anyway have a look at page fifty six cos I promised you yesterday that I would take you through the verb if you were you know the things you would want to know about .
28 That 's probably cos it would take them too long to peel everybody 's oranges would n't it ?
29 well item one is the minutes of the A G M nineteen ninety two if there are any queries , may I have them now or I will take them as read and sign them .
30 They are still the most glamorous club in Britain , but our confidence is so high now that we could take them apart .
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