Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [modal v] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it has to be applied properly or it will not improve the quality of education .
2 Kindly take yourself back upstairs and shoot yourself very very quietly , depositing your carcass somewhere where it will not annoy us ! ’
3 I hope I can get plain sewing work enough where I need not spoil my fingers , but if I ca n't , I hope to mae my hands as red as blood pudding and as hard as a beechen trencher to accommodate them to my condition .
4 They have pursued this dream so fiercely that they can not afford to admit any self-doubt .
5 She knew suddenly that she could not live without him .
6 Can it have changed much — or did it rain so pre-emptively that he can not have noticed the lovely inlets at Isleornsay , their green banked lands sloping to soft-coloured waters ?
7 His arm still lay there , so gently that she could not find it a pressure .
8 It is true enough that one could not start one 's language learning from the laws of physics and logic ; much is needed before we can even begin to understand these .
9 America will win , it is thought , and win handily enough that it will not want to withdraw from Asia : so China , Japan , whoever , should pursue its own interests and wait for things to return to normal .
10 Sons and spouses attended the meeting , having prepared beforehand that they would tell their mother personally that they could not offer her a home , but would keep in touch with .
11 He aims to show that concepts which appear to be independent are actually interdependent , so that one can not abandon one and leave the others intact .
12 ‘ Do n't you also think that if one meets someone in such a way — I mean , so weak and defenceless — something makes one surrender completely , so that one can not imagine ever being able to desert such a person ? ’
13 Its original function , according to Seth , was to make us feel bad , by briefly separating us from our sense of love and connectedness , so that we would not repeat a harmful act .
14 Would he agree to support a review of the Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985 so that we shall not have in the future the rash of litigation that has been needed against employers who have declined to accept reservists back since the Gulf war ?
15 For powders or microcrystalline samples , multiple external reflections among grains destroy polarization , so that we can not obtain useful data .
16 Finally , it seems most plausible to suppose that this enforcement operated within very strict limits , so that we should not speak of a general power of enforcement of modus for public purposes .
17 When the two partners first set up on their own — according to Byrne , with only $5000 capital and giving up a secure future — they did so under the guise of an employment agency , so that they would not appear to be in direct competition with their ex-employers .
18 And they wanted to know how they could immunize themselves , so that they would not succumb in their turn .
19 ‘ He ca n't stay there all winter , ’ said Libby as they slipped out early , the house having been woken by their father getting up , trying to pull his boots on , shutting the dogs in the boiler shed so that they would not follow .
20 The mothers were asked to avoid cow 's milk , and were then challenged with it in a disguised form , so that they would not know when they were drinking milk and when they were drinking the ‘ control ’ substance .
21 At Darlington , so that they would not have to wait for a connection , they had hired a special train to Richmond , where they were met .
22 Perhaps those who came in repentance and were prepared for the running waters of Jordan to flow over their heads in judgment were thought of as undergoing the judgment of God in symbol so that they would not have to undergo it in its awful reality on the Day of Judgment .
23 In 1861 she was instrumental in setting up a home for workhouse girls sent out to service , so that they would not have to mix with women of bad character .
24 Residential care may be necessary not simply for the medical emergencies of starvation in anorexia or electrolyte imbalance in both anorexia arid bulimia but also to monitor adherence to the requirements of basic physical abstinence — This monitoring commonly may need to extend to patients initially being on " locked bathroom " status so that they may not use baths , basins or showers except under staff supervision , nor may they flush lavatories until after staff inspection .
25 Finally Americans and the rest of the world witnessed on television unbelievable scenes as a US Marine colonel and a US admiral both invoked the Fifth Amendment so that they need not tell the truth about their dishonest dealings .
26 Edward jerked open the door , interposing himself so that they should not stare .
27 But it was essential that the various rooms of the Residency through which they were retreating should be defended and relinquished in concert , so that they should not find themselves outflanked .
28 Though no amount of apologising was going to excuse the fact that she had deliberately misled them , even given that she had only misled them from the best of motives — so that they should not worry .
29 An encounter with a French frigate delayed their final sailing so that they could not reach Sumatra in time .
30 Further , land inside the older towns was acquiring a scarcity value , above all in the towns that were surrounded by open fields , so that they could not grow outwards ( see Chapter 9 ) , and a steady rise in the price of land for building was added to the rise in the price of borrowed money .
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