Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore a difficult transition can prejudice the changers against the new method so that they never appreciate its superiority over the old method .
2 This alienates Elizabeth even more , so that she now regards her job as an oasis in a desert of coping with Harry 's lack of direction .
3 ‘ In five days , ’ said Harvey when we were outside the cubicle , ‘ we can indoctrinate a man so that he really believes his cover story better than he believes his own memory .
4 She would blush furiously , her pale complexion flooding red so that he actually imagined her blood flowing in a hot tide to the surface of her flesh ; a thought he found exciting .
5 Swing your right knee toward the front , so that it almost touches your forehead .
6 At the same time much of London 's growth resulted from the influx of the rural poor , so that it early acquired its reputation for slums and crowded tenements .
7 Better if I just end your scenario right here and now . ’
8 Only if he really craned his neck sideways could he see anything of the front bedroom windows and then not enough to make the effort worthwhile .
9 So if you just kept your treble clef you 'd have a lot of lines possibly that you were n't using at all .
10 So So if you just call your mum .
11 In true pilgrim tradition we prayed and did penance together and we also took our recreation together and we also took our recreation together and so on Wednesday evening we met together for a very happy celebration .
12 In true pilgrim tradition we prayed and did penance together and we also took our recreation together and we also took our recreation together and so on Wednesday evening we met together for a very happy celebration .
13 Their one hundred and fifty ton heavy life crane would have coped with that job easily enough but I hastily declined his offer which , apart from any other consideration would have placed me at a slight disadvantage .
14 Anne had to leave for work for two o'clock but she proudly displayed her ring to her friends and they all sincerely wished her happiness .
15 He selected Whitehaven as the scene of his demonstration merely because he already knew its waters , though a reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship , much less any naval vessel , in the port , the 250 craft there being mainly small colliers or fishing boats .
16 My hon. Friend 's remarks about a single currency alarm me greatly because I much admire his intellect , not to mention the fluency of his speech .
17 ‘ Anyone can say they have no quarrel with people so long as they always get their own way . ’
18 Larry was informed that another aircraft was on cockpit checks and would he like to fly in that , especially as he already had his flying kit .
19 But Joanna , who starred in TV 's New Avengers , looked happy enough as she openly displayed her scents of achievement !
20 He 'd offered to swap stories about what had happened once they had each paired off at the party , but Graham was n't going to tell , and told Slater so as he carefully wrote her name by the side of the numbers : Sarah Fitch .
21 Book-destroyers of this kind , especially when they blatantly advertise their wares as suitable for breaking and framing for an inn , a billiard room or boudoir , act only in the cause of financial gain and have no respect for the qualities to be found in a complete book .
22 It seemed to come from nowhere , it transformed him utterly and it invariably caused her anger against him to feel quite suddenly totally inappropriate .
23 As always , the strongest make a steady recovery but the others either wither away because they actually believe their press or , more commonly , find themselves selling considerably fewer records .
24 Shortly after he finally bumbles his way through it , the song is performed properly by a female soprano .
25 Firstly , what would happen to the profitability of Britain 's most successful consumer credit organisation if it mailed debt collection notices to its customers on ( typically ) just two dates each year , just as it currently mails its personal loan promotions ?
26 Just when I never had my thing .
27 Rune 's eyes swept across her open face and she saw his jaw tighten momentarily as he clearly read her distress .
28 I often wonder whether these pilots would react safely and effectively if they suddenly got their aircraft into a stalling situation .
29 Okay now while you 're explaining is it all right if I just use your toilet ?
30 Then I whirled , so quickly that I nearly ricked my neck , as I caught a movement at the edge of my vision .
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