Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] out [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The one-room system encouraged children to be sexually precocious , so that they found out everything about physical matters from their home experience .
2 So if you work out what thirteen squared minus twelve squared
3 We called it that so if it leaked out it would get mixed up with the old Winter Garden names . ’
4 Comrade Yu our local interpreter is a young woman with pigtails and who is constantly breaking into smiles and laughs , especially when we try out our broken Chinese on her from time to time .
5 So when she went out I said Ann 's probably back now and er she said well if I do n't see her tell her I 've been down
6 But just afore she passed out she said something about her sister and wor Robbie .
7 Just before he passed out he heard Billie screaming his name .
8 I 'd taken a year off just before I found out I was pregnant , because I 'd badly needed a break and then I could n't work looking fat .
9 I approached her carefully but she leaned away as I stretched out my hand .
10 you know , and they were , as soon as we got out it was let's have dinner quick
11 But as soon as they got out I realized I was wrong .
12 It 's amazing how many hard rocking mothers are queuing up to perform this somewhat unrock and weedy indie task as soon as they find out it involves wearing things that girls wear .
13 As soon as they find out who I am they shy off .
14 It was weird because as soon as she came out I started to wash her .
15 She went down Wednesday she had to go late because the builder does n't come very early so she did n't go to B and Q until the afternoon , and she was going around , or Do-it-all , one of them , she was going around looking around and then as soon as she looked out it was half past five !
16 As soon as she found out what had happened , she went straight to the police and told them everything .
17 He 'll go in for about four months , they 'll give him shock treatment and all that , but as soon as he comes out he starts drinking again .
18 Anyway , as soon as he found out what you were doing , he 'd manage to stop you . ’
19 As soon as he found out I knew about cameras and all that , he realised I could make myself useful round the studio , so I sort of moved in .
20 ‘ As soon as you find out anything that suggests Heather is still alive , as soon as you learn where she might be or whether she 's in any danger , contact me at once .
21 I know I should n't have said it but soon as it come out me mouth
22 and as soon as it comes out you just fire a ball of string , yeah , and that way it ca n't fall down cos you 've got
23 I went back to Desmond and got myself into more trouble because as soon as I got out I wanted money .
24 As soon as I found out I had to retire , they were as good as gold and granted me a testimonial straight away .
25 Well as soon as I find out they 'll have !
26 It was n't until I was much older still that I found out she 'd committed suicide . ’
27 A lot of people are inquiring about remortgages but often when they find out what exactly is involved they are happy to stay where they are .
28 Oh well if you go out it 'll happen !
29 ‘ Not even if he found out she was less than perfect ? ’
30 Even if you find out they wo n't .
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