Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adj] [modal v] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The teapot , milk jug , sugar basin and tongs will require cleaning with Goddard 's powder before midday , so that all will be proper , and the visitors will not be able to say that this house is a slum inside , even if there is one outside . ’
2 In the course of the project just under half the parish Memoirs deposited in the Royal Irish Academy are to be prepared for indexing by computer so that these will be available in a printed out form from the microcomputer .
3 Therefore the increase in numbers to a hundred , for this particular rule , seems to be a logical move , as a branch with less than fifty would be unrepresentative of the G M B both from a democracy point of view and an administration point of view where cost plays an enormo important role .
4 According to Pierre Rosenberg the museum will never succumb to showing paintings and sculpture , for example , together because that would be tantamount to sacrificing the traditional structure of scholarship at the museum .
5 For this reason it would appear likely that bones modified as greatly as these would be uncommon in the fossil record , and the predators that produce them unlikely to be important contributors to fossil bone assemblages .
6 I regret I am not likely to lose weight in China , as their habit , at least in Peking , is to give us at least twice as much food as we need , and however much we gently suggest that three platefuls rather than six would be sufficient , they still go on just the same .
7 Then she met his eyes as he smiled down at her , and she knew instinctively that all would be well .
8 Dr. O'Gorman has succinctly pin-pointed the real flaw , i.e. playing bondholders were getting fewer relative to the membership in general , thus while 2:1 might be undemocratic in any event , it was especially so now .
9 While the type of hearing may differ within different areas , and while it might vary depending upon , for example , the stage which the proceedings have reached or the nature of the interest being asserted , to go further than this would be contrary to principle .
10 Small areas can be exploited intensively and more and more may be capable of being processed ; for example , one plant in Colombia produces pulp , adding tropical hardwoods to long-fibre coniferous chips ( 30% ) .
11 This must be equal to the integral over the surface were v is the velocity and — the density ; n is the outward normal to the surface S which enclosed V. By Gauss 's theorem we may write and hence Since this must be true for any volume element we have the equation of continuity The conservation of momentum in continuum mechanics relates the rate of change of the momentum integrated over a volume V to the resultant of the forces on that volume .
12 The West says the Palestinians are better off now and this could be true in some cases .
13 This was to lead to an increase in real wages and to a decline in rents for land , and in so far as these can be used to measure the standard of living of the people , they suggest that the condition of the peasantry improved markedly in the fifteenth century .
14 Hungarians understand perfectly well that this may be due to internal Romanian reasons — the Romanian army had played some part in the initial repression in Timisoara , but since it joined the rebellion this fact has been conveniently forgotten .
15 A second group in whom this technique may be valuable is those in whom the number of stones or technical difficulties such as diverticuli , may expose the patient to a protracted procedure which even if successful may be detrimental for the patient — that is , the old and frail .
16 If I , if I get another species next year nesting , that has n't nested before and I know it 's because of the effort of putting in reeds , trees , whatever I 've put in there , we 're , we 're trying to get to nest here , if they nest that 'll be really , er that 'll be a great thing because er they feed on the apple erm I thought somebody said er who said there was a hundred a seventy five here er a week ago and that 'd be great to get them to nest , be really good .
17 The positive part of soft conventionalism instructs judges to decide according to their own interpretation of the concrete requirements of legislation and precedent , even though this may be controversial , and this advice is not irrelevant in hard cases .
18 One problem that has arisen is that a new tenant may not settle quickly and may wish to leave even though this may be unrealistic .
19 Erm er and if you had done some researches into the job opportunities and you you could decide that then that that would be good .
20 Do not be tempted to throw the toy too far ahead as this will be counter-productive .
21 Keep a mop handy too as this can be messy !
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