Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] back [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If you stir enough of them together and stand back for a few hundred million years , the result is likely to be a chemical entity capable of reproducing itself — one of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving material .
2 It 's exciting ; going back together and going back to a country which hopefully is changing .
3 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
4 Rather than fall back on an increased emphasis upon managerialism based upon hierarchy and control , the Education Reform Acts should be regarded as an opportunity to review , not just in a coping way but in a maximising way , the management structures and processes of our schools .
5 He parked the car a street away and walked back through a gauntlet of whispers and stony smiles .
6 Erm no seriously I think it really should n't take long , you 're quite right to sort this matter out but I think three people really should go away and come back with a suggestion or a couple of suggestions .
7 After much remonstrating during which I was told very kindly and politely that there was no problem , till I felt like tearing my hair out , I was sent to sit in a corner ( just a woman you see ) and Mr Fleming was ushered off to meet an official , rush off somewhere and come back with a piece of paper which was duly stamped , passport returned , and off we went to meet our contact , who explained in a jocular fashion that I was the problem .
8 They were half-way to the car when she found she 'd left something behind and went back in a flurry of carrier bags and magazines .
9 I 'm going to recommend that you are taken off duty immediately and sent back for a three-month intensive retraining schedule , ’
10 Our job is to go over there and come back with a result which keeps everything alive for us in the second leg at Parkhead . ’
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