Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the bits will fit together after fracture so that one can often glue a broken vase together quite plausibly .
2 He said he understood quite enough of life already and there was nothing more he could learn by painting it .
3 They encapsulate the democratically arrived-at beliefs both that it is wrong for animals to suffer in such ways , and also that legislation will lead to an amelioration in the behaviour of farmers and poachers .
4 Finally , the system must provide for the coordination , integration and binding together of services so that they function as one
5 Hello ! has won a reputation as heralding disaster by featuring families apparently in bliss just before they hit the rocks .
6 It was in Ulm and perhaps in Aachen too that you developed your life-long aversion to small theatres ?
7 If the defendant can plausibly assert that he is sufficiently without perception even when he is sober , he must be acquitted .
8 Together we shouted at the man , and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated .
9 I never felt entirely at ease here when I was a little girl .
10 We used to have to use a generator for our electricity and that used to go off at ten o'clock at night so if there was an operation that needed doing , there were two car batteries that were turned on and you used to have to do it by those .
11 It is only by being so that he is able to concentrate his efforts on the detailed articulation of the paradigm and to perform the esoteric work necessary to probe nature in depth .
12 Is there any point in trying to go away for Easter now if there 's so much going on ?
13 Celia and I have been battling away for months now and we do n't seem to be getting anywhere .
14 Bursting into tears , she turned and ran back through the wood , pushing blindly through the ferns , stumbling , hot and panting , determined to get away from Nicky so that she could try to think straight .
15 One possibility would be to start his play behaviour just before lunchtime so that there is less time for undesirable behaviour to creep in .
16 I got Jake to lie , and say I went away on holiday earlier than I did . ’
17 while in other cases the geological sources have been identified fairly exactly by petrology even though there is little archaeological evidence of working at the outcrops themselves .
18 She sounded , thought Robert , rather like Badger shortly before one opened a can of dog-food .
19 But I 'll tell you this , that young man has done more for Wales already than we could dream of . ’
20 You may have to wait for one or two things but you know like like copy sometimes but I did n't used to send them s erm er contracts in unless they had everything .
21 The entries are always in pencil so that they can be easily erased should there be any cancellations or changes in the booking .
22 ‘ We are more in love now than we 've ever been .
23 She sobbed , more in confusion now than anything else .
24 Get home from school early as there is extra work to do . ’
25 ‘ I was driving home from Berkeley today and I stopped to give a chap a lift , and look who it was . ’
26 ‘ And it is not just a one off thing — it must be a programme that is still in place long after we have a democratic government here . ’
27 Even so I smuggled it home to England just because it was banned .
28 I know Mr used to go up there cos he was still at school then and he used to go up there cos he was doing nothing but whether he he wants her to get a job , well he .
29 The American star , at No. 37 with Neighbour , pretended he was still at college even though he had left to lead the life of a beach bum .
30 there 's more at stake here than you can possibly imagine .
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