Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] when [pron] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Constance could not decide whether or not his diffidence sprang from fear or indifference , and she found it puzzling that someone as confident as Nicky in every other area of his life should be so timid when it came to love .
2 Andrew Saxton , a champion weightlifter and major medal hope for Britain , was obviously upset when he emerged to protest his innocence against drug taking this afternoon .
3 Why had the Revolution given us all so little when we had sacrificed everything for it ? ’
4 From time to time , too , Jenna caught Alain 's dark eyes watching her through the driving mirror , and she was greatly relieved when they began to skirt Paris .
5 Cara had made it sound so easy when she 'd said ‘ All I 'm asking is that you bring me back relevant facts and answers ’ .
6 She was assisted by Miss Walker , whom I liked very much , and I was so sad when she left to get married .
7 I also used to help him with his drink and biscuit and he would always drop his soggy biscuit over me but I was ever so sad when I finished going to the Mother and toddler group as that was my favourite part of the week .
8 It was only later when I came to reflect on this incident , that I recalled the man 's appearance .
9 What is so odd , though , is that Lewis was tempted to argue the faith , to analyse and defend it in a manner at once so roughshod and so cerebral when it had come to him by quite other means .
10 He had felt so proud when he had said goodbye to the veteran Hamman .
11 We were so excited when they started paying expenses but I never dreamt the sport would come on like it has . ’
12 He glanced over her slowly from head to foot , taking in the sleeveless green cotton dress with its tight bodice and full skirt that had seemed so modest when she had put it on .
13 The contributors ' arguments became a little less convincing when they came to explain why mantras were used .
14 All the kids found it highly amusing when I had to climb up and fetch her .
15 True , it was astonishingly heavy when one came to lift it , but — as the philosophical cook observed — that was all to the good , as one slice would be enough !
16 The first body , found in the Thames , was discovered accidentally by a bargee , who had been poling his way up the river and had been more than mildly surprised when he had brought his pole up from the river bed to find a sodden brown parcel on the end with a baby 's arm sticking out .
17 Shapes began to form as the colours settled into patterns , but the shapes were still indistinct when they started to move violently .
18 He was usually OK when he came to work . ’
19 I can even remember when Finnegans Wake was thought to be incomprehensible and the gentleman sitting on my right , George Craig , is almost , but not quite , my contemporary at this university and I was genuinely delighted when he agreed to take on the herculean task of giving a lecture a centenary lecture on James Joyce .
20 But she was usually annoyed when she did get home .
21 He was even more baffled when he tried to convert some of his Duchy property in Kennington into small units for single teenagers — a group that finds it notoriously difficult to find accommodation — and met with vociferous local anger .
22 Archdeacon 's son and canon 's daughter-what could be more suitable when one came to think of it .
23 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
24 Twelfth-century English historians , writing during Eleanor 's own lifetime , were understandably cautious when they came to analyse her role in the revolt .
25 ‘ You 're only envious , and you know you were the most concerned when he had to lose almost a year to that fever .
26 Yet a certain Scottish poet was not far wrong when he described finishing one of that author 's novels as being like emerging from a thin shower of dandruff , unenlivened by even the slightest flash of mediocrity .
27 She wondered if she had been as particular when she 'd lived here .
28 She and Sheila had had disagreements before — not really surprising when you 'd known someone for twelve years , since the first day they had peered at the college noticeboard together .
29 When I was at college I did a pastiche of the student magazine , doing the fold , and it was called Shell , so we renamed it for that one issue Rolling Shell , and I ever so carefully did the lettering for both the title boxes , then I got really disappointed when it came to set the type for the front page article underneath the big photograph which we printed as duo tone , because I could do it on the I B M — I could actually do it in Times and I thought it was going to be really , you know , I 'd have to really struggle and find
30 The counsellor feared that would be the last she heard from him so she was pleasantly surprised when he did come the following week , bearing a letter from Susie in Denmark .
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