Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pron] [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly if you had just had a row with your wife , and rather suspected that you were in the wrong .
2 The success of the tour made it less difficult to tell herself that this was what she wanted , but it did n't stop those sudden down-swings when she was swept by a longing so total that it was like a haemorrhage of the soul .
3 Now , watching his grinning monkey face as he swung , arm over arm , the frantic twisting of his body , the silver of the delicate ribcage under the pale flesh where the jacket had parted from his jeans , she felt a surge of love so painful that it was like a thrust to the heart .
4 Meanwhile , I was sweating and burning up so much that I was in danger of melting away into a puddle .
5 I have never felt so much that I was in a foreign country with seemingly infinite resources available for any purpose you care to name , from stretch automobiles to space travel .
6 The reason for this is not so much that it was beyond some people 's capacity to do imposition and so on ; but rather that it cost employers money to train people to do such tasks .
7 Lord Denning said that it had to be so serious that it was of the first importance that offenders be brought to justice .
8 The floor was so uneven that it was like running through the Crazy Cottage in a funfair ; the building itself seemed to pitch around him like a listing boat .
9 But the hard labour for criminals which replaced judicial execution was so appalling that it was in effect a living death .
10 Apparently convinced that I was behind the ABC and NBC stories and the media follow-up around the world , they blew my cover in a television broadcast that also went out around the world .
11 If one accepts the story of Molla Yegan 's bringing Molla Gurani to the Ottoman court-and there seems no reason not to-then on the basis of what appears to be the fairly firm evidence for this part of Molla Gurani 's career , Molla Yegan 's return from his journey can not be dated earlier than 845/1441–2 ; and on the reasonable assumption that the purpose of Molla Yegan 's journey was to make the pilgrimage , it seems entirely likely that it was in the year 844/1440–1 , the same year that Molla Gurani made his abortive pilgrimage , that Molla Yegan also performed the hajj and that the two met somewhere after that pilgrimage , though clear information about the actual time and place of their meeting is entirely lacking .
12 Anthony , recognizing incompetence , grasped Dalgliesh 's hair firmly with a sticky hand and he felt the momentary touch of a cheek , so soft that it was like the fall of a petal .
13 To people who do eat pork , the Sulawesi warty pig is so good that it was worth domesticating , and it is the only pig besides the Eurasian wild boar to have become part of the human farmyard .
14 The rest were a maze of villages with names that sounded like the refrain for a pantomime song , villages whose lives were as far removed from those Manchester lives he had known for so long that it was as if they inhabited another planet .
15 There is no certainty as to which church and manor house the account in the Office refers to , but it is highly probable that they were at Pickering .
16 Prince Charles had intended to wait for Cumberland to attack , but after his troops had endured this merciless fire for 20 minutes or more one commander warned Lord George Murray that his men ‘ were turned so impatient that they were like to break their ranks ’ and the pretender agreed to an immediate attack .
17 He was so thick that I was in the same form as Dan .
18 He was obviously satisfied that I was on the level and reserved two birds on the spot , £35 each .
19 His heart sank , perversely convinced that he was to be transferred to some damp hole where he would be able neither to stand upright nor lie at full length , and chained there in darkness .
20 She seems to have been wholly unaware that she was in fact queen of a kingdom with a justifiably high opinion of itself — so much so that it is actually supremely ironic that Mary , brought up in one of the greatest of European countries , should have found this one , smaller , but passionately European , so much less interesting and appealing than the kingdom of England , not only Scotland 's traditional enemy , but already beginning the descent into the isolation which it was to maintain for much of the seventeenth century .
21 It had been in Essex that , out of discontent with sitting at home , Leslie had requested a posting abroad ; and it was somehow appropriate that it was with the men of Essex that he should have ended the North African campaign .
22 Nevertheless , I was always thankful that I was at Magdalen , perhaps the most beautiful of Oxford colleges .
23 It was all quite innocent , he was genuinely worried that she was on her own .
24 It was also clear that there was in general an imbalance between the time employed and the labour requirements of the enterprises , indicating a lack of skills and a need for extended training .
25 He was probably also aware that it was to be his last on any comparable scale .
26 ‘ I thought it over again and I have decided there must be an announcement , because it would indicate the merits of the matter and make it perfectly clear that I was in the right . ’
27 If politicians were normally able to manipulate freeholders and councillors by judicious use of their patronage powers , it is equally clear that they were on occasion themselves manipulated , and for all David Scott 's obvious embarrassment over the Robinson affair , it is evident that he felt unable to show much resentment towards the man who had led him into that predicament .
28 Well aware that she was in a public place , she tried to modify her voice ; only then Willis did n't always hear , and she had to try again a good deal louder .
29 Mir Jafar , who was made Nawab , had an adequate claim to the throne and might have been a good ruler under other circumstances , but it was quite clear that he was on the throne simply because the Company had decided to put him there .
30 But , even while visualizing entering the cupboard , she had at the same time been fully aware that she was in a non-threatening situation ( lying in her own bed ) and so , once again , the subconscious mind had no need to send out those panic signals .
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