Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pron] think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But the amount of money we received would have been so little that we thought it would be far more useful if instead I could be given a job in one of the innumerable Allied offices that had sprung up everywhere .
2 Stok joined in the last three words as I said them , and then he laughed So loud that I thought he would shake some of the cracked tiles off the wall .
3 ‘ You 're so slim that I thought you might be one of those women who are on a perpetual diet , and I dislike intensely dining with someone who eats like a sparrow . ’
4 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
5 And I just liked reading it so much that I thought you 'd like to read it too .
6 It was no longer just go out and do a gig with your equipment — there were lighting men , dancers , singers , — there was so much that I think no-one could handle it and he was wanting more and more to make the show very good .
7 I hate doing it so much that I think I will find just one more excuse to put off the preaching .
8 Lee suddenly felt so sad that she thought she would never move again .
9 He put his hands on her shoulders , towering over her , his powerful body so compelling that she thought she would fall if he let her go .
10 The smile had died from his eyes , and he tightened his arms round her so hard that she thought her ribs might crack .
11 My son was so feeble that I thought I would lose him at birth .
12 It feels so good that you think you can get on the gas but the consequences are terrible .
13 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
14 Then I went out and bought some anaesthetic spray and applied it , but the pain was so excruciating that I thought my foot would fall off .
15 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
16 However , it has been so dramatic that I think it would be difficult for us to say that it was due to anything but the dietary changes , especially in view of the double-blind trial . ’
17 She went to sleep , she was so heavy that he thought he could barely carry her another step but he got her home and set her down in the warmth of the kitchen .
18 The clutch is so stiff that you think you 're pushing against the bulkhead until it gives .
19 ‘ It 's like one of those dreams , ’ said Breeze , ‘ that are so vivid that you think you could n't possibly forget the slightest detail ; yet when you try to describe them , they simply disappear .
20 One particularly bold animal came so close that we thought he was going to hook his tusks over the edge of our inflatable .
21 ‘ This office has been so discredited that I think it has to be disbanded , ’ the party 's new reformist leader , Dr Gregor Gysi , said at the weekend .
22 An endless falling through time and space , and ecstasy so intense that she thought she would die .
23 Arabel was once quoted as being terrified by a performance of Tchaikovsky 's Pathétique Symphony in Berlin so intense that she thought it would kill you .
24 ‘ She was so bad that I thought it well to have oxygen administered ; this I procured from Blake , Edgar 's .
25 If you believed everything you 've ever read about desktop publishing it 's quite possible that you think anyone who can use a computer can turn out professional looking material with consummate ease .
26 He suggested abortion two or three times and made it very clear that he thought I was making a mistake .
27 You 've made it very clear that you think I 'm tarred with the same brush as William and that 's fine by me !
28 ‘ We are actually annoyed that they think we would even consider selling one of our top players .
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