Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
2 And , of the instinctual components necessarily repressed and sublimated in the service of culture , the coprophilic is one of the most significant , says Freud : ‘ the excremental is all too intimately and inseparably bound up with the sexual ; the position of the genitals — inter urinas et faeces — remains the decisive and unchangeable factor ’ ( vii .
3 What the Government are doing about the inspectorate is extremely foolish and flies in the face of its proud history .
4 Here the marginality is less transitory and occurs in the post-tribal situation where the concept of liminality is less familiar to the discipline , even though transitions across spatial and temporal boundaries still create epistemological changes of the kind Turner describes .
5 Joe Fitzgerald was so much older and moved in a different circle , and on the few occasions that Sarah had seen him he had shown no interest in her , but she liked him and knew that he enjoyed reading and poetry as much as she did .
6 It flickered and flew along the elding , and then burst into smoke , so thick and foul in the throat that I was fain to get on my knees behind a boulder , for the wind out of the cove sent it downhill …
7 If , on the other hand , this jurisdiction was not so transferred and vested in the High Court , then it was equally common ground that it would have been preserved by section 12 of the Act of 1873 , which provides , so far as is relevant :
8 The balls are normally spheroid and enclosed in a cage consisting of either a cross-shaped piece of sheet metal , often silver , or two metal bands .
9 The Etudes , too , are a mixed success , movingly rich and contained in the tortuous near-Wagnerian chromaticism of Op. 10 No. 6 , thrillingly powerful and rhetorical in the octave storms of Op. 25 No. 10 , but inclined towards an outsize , Lisztian thunder in the concentrated wit and delicacy of Op. 25 , Nos. 3 and 4 .
10 Born in 1925 of a Ukrainian immigrant father , Bérégovoy was largely self-taught and fought in the resistance during the Second World War .
11 Regulation 31 , paragraph 4 of the BBBC 's constitution specified that a title contestant ‘ must be a British subject who was born and is normally resident and domiciled in the United Kingdom …
12 Having stated the general duty of a doctor towards his terminally ill p it is necessary to examine how this general duty is made more specific and applied in the myriad real-life situations which arise .
13 Let the man lift me from the car still asleep and wrapped in a tartan blanket , let him lift me and carry me up the stairs to my bed , let him gently say , ‘ we 're here ’ … let him lay me down to sleep .
14 It is healthy ; it is strong ; and I think it will continue to grow and become even more exciting and challenging in the future .
15 Field dependence tends to arise in those who are more socialised and group-orientated in a society which emphasises order ; these people tend to have stronger perceptions and feelings for others .
16 ‘ You get young people who appear to be socially confident and assured in the outside world but inside they are remarkably immature and insecure .
17 In the 1970s Japanese companies reacted to the steep increase in oil prices by making their factories more energy-efficient and investing in the high-tech , low energy-using industries which have since become key elements in the country 's economy .
18 Since then , however , Meciar appeared to be more reluctant and declared in the same Le Monde interview : " We do n't want independence .
19 Since then , however , Meciar appeared to be more reluctant and declared in the same Le Monde interview : " We do n't want independence .
20 In fact the Eliots travelled across the Atlantic for the second time in October ; when he stopped at Chicago to give a reading on his way to St Louis , a reporter noted that he " looked rather tired and smiled in a vague , undirected way " .
21 Offered by past inhabitants to help guarantee their good fortune , they often turn up in old houses in this part of the world — probably unrecognised and tossed in the dustbin .
22 In practice , thought , the Antares 130 was slightly thirsty and turned in a pto fuel consumption figure of 265g/kWhr. given a 20% power loss between engine and pto , this gives a fuel consumption figure for the engine of 238g/kWhr .
23 The French made countless varieties of goats ' milk cheeses which are often small and wrapped in a chestnut leaf and then tied with raffia ( see p67 ) .
24 The Church of the Kapnikarea , built originally c. 875 and enlarged in the thirteenth century , now stands on a small island in the centre of Athens traffic .
25 Acceleration can only fake gravity when the gravity is the same everywhere — equally strong and pulling in the same direction — like it is in this room , more or less .
26 Dr Anthony Storr , author of the recently-published Churchill 's Black Dog , in which he showed how senior politicans often turned stresses of up-bringing into strengths , said yesterday : ‘ I 'm interested because the gates must mean that she 's feeling increasingly insecure and threatened in a simple , straightforward way ; and that 's an interesting phenomenum in itself because she 's been so absolutely certain of herself .
27 This is particularly paradoxical and revealing in the case of notions .
28 Protozoal ectoparasites such as Ich , Costia , Trichodina and Chilodonella are quite well-known and documented in the literature , as are the larger ectoparasites such as Anchor-Worm , Fishlice and Leeches for example .
29 But at least the food is there in a crisis — and is also there ready and waiting in the event that a government comes to power which is serious about getting food through to the poorest .
30 What the girls had to understand , he whispered , was that his father 's father had used the Lodge for very wicked purposes , things so wicked that he had gone quite mad and died in a madhouse .
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