Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] the [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look how much better the Lilliputians do it ’ , is a tempting cry , but the more one looks into it the more one finds that the Lilliputians are n't a fair comparison with us : they have n't got our antiquated industries … our legal system ; and they are less than six inches tall .
2 Suddenly all the characters find themselves in an ‘ aerobrain ’ headed across the Atlantic toward San Fransisco , with a stop-over in Atlanta en route .
3 To keep it in its place so all the engineers knows what they 're doing .
4 ‘ I 'm not fantastic at English so all the students know they have to speak French in my classes .
5 Last Tuesday or Wednesday the traffic on UUNet over this BSDI suit ( see front page ) got so heavy the protesters formed their own group ( alt.suit.att-bsdi ) — and this before the news hits the fan that the University of California , Berkeley is being brought up on charges too .
6 It told how an empire of six hundred miles wide and nearly three thousand miles long , so big the Incas called it Tahuantinsuyo , the Four Quarters of the Earth , had been engaged in a fratricidal war of succession when its miserable future was planned by two uneducated adventurers , Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro , and by a priest , Father Hernando de Luque .
7 A man entered the room , and at once all the slaves prostrated themselves .
8 So it looks awfully fresh the wretches made me almost squashed it .
9 Despite criticisms of the project , nearly all the teachers discovered something about their classroom performance .
10 Statistics for calorie consumption in the region show that despite considerable variation between different areas , nearly all the countries raised their calorie requirement satisfaction rates during the 1970s , the greatest progress being made by the countries with initially the lowest levels .
11 Bates gets by because his theme is so universal that practically all the heavyweights have something to say on it .
12 As normal the Americans had it first , had it first
13 About half the throws hit their target and it generally takes eight direct hits and about five minutes to crack the egg open .
14 Almost half the respondents said they experienced feelings of disapproval , sadness or disgust ; only 26 per cent had felt anger or resentment towards the white authorities or pleasure that rioting was taking place .
15 There were many wells in the area and almost all the houses had their own water pumps .
16 If hysterectomy does change bowel function it seems likely from our data that the primary problem is in the act of defecation rather than in colonic function , as there was little or no change in stool form yet half the subjects felt they were prone to constipation and a quarter strained with every recorded defecation .
17 Over half the farms had someone who had taken part in some kind of formal training .
18 ‘ The government tell us all the nice things that are happening in Britain and yet all the indicators show us that this is not the case .
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