Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ca n't help saying it strikes me as rather odd that you 've left it till now to start looking for her . ’
2 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
3 She was only sorry that she had demonstrated exactly how vulnerable she was to him .
4 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
5 The shift is so striking that it has led one commentator ( Young 1984 : 22 ) to talk of an explosion of ‘ civic assertiveness ’ .
6 In recent years the evidence for the health benefits of fibre , or ‘ roughage ’ as it used to be called , has grown so strong that it has filtered through from the medical journals and is now well known to the British and American public .
7 when I speak about it I get so upset that they 've got three or four and they ca n't !
8 Her mum Pat , 48 , said : ‘ Vicky has been so upset that she has had two epileptic fits since Penny disappeared .
9 Tod and I are feeling so terrific that we 've joined a club and taken up tennis .
10 But cyclists have no alternative but the A2 , a road so awful that I have heard of tourists giving up at Canterbury , fearing that the rest of Britain is just as bad ( which on trunk routes , it is ! ) .
11 He was obviously peeved that we 'd squared it with the music teacher while he did n't know anything about it .
12 Her general condition was so weak that he had arranged for the doctors to take special care of her , financially assisted as usual by Theo .
13 The yew trees in the Grove were dark green and so old that they had grown twisted and lumpy , like arthritic fingers .
14 The walls had long ago disappeared under a solid mass of posters and playbills , some of them so old that they 'd faded completely .
15 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
16 Giles 's motive in telling her of his expectations was so transparent that she had lost interest in him .
17 He says drug corruption is now so prevalent that it has tainted the assembly , the courts , and press and television .
18 This perspective is so prevalent that it has spread far beyond medical , health and welfare agencies to influence fundamentally most people 's approaches to Disabled people .
19 The time and dedication demanded do not seem to put people off : the course is so popular that it has had to shift from a country house to a conference centre on an industrial estate in the Midlands .
20 Because the queues at the sandwich bar had been so horrendous that she had decided to go without lunch and now she was feeling disconnected and light-headed .
21 We saw earlier that the move to greater inequality in income had been so marked that it has triggered off a widening of other class differences ( detailed in Part I ) .
22 In fact , they like it SO much that they 've moved house EIGHTEEN times .
23 WE got so much that we had asked for from Norman Lamont yesterday that it might seem churlish not to give his Autumn Statement an unqualified welcome .
24 It was n't so much that he had confirmed her fears , it was his tone she found infuriating .
25 Brutus says that Caesar 's feelings have never moved him so much that he had lost his sense of reason .
26 It interested me so much that I 've lost , or won , if you like , the whole day of reading it at the busiest period with the printers I know , waiting for copy !
27 But on the other hand as is often the case , there 's so much that you 've got you do n't need , that when you finish your removal you want a whole lot of boxes in the corner out the way until you 've sorted er everything else out .
28 The argument that public sector employment has expanded so much that it has absorbed too much labour and it has thus had an adverse effect on the national economy will be examined in the next chapter .
29 She was so relieved that she had saved him .
30 It is , therefore , highly appropriate that they have chosen ‘ As You Like It ’ for their tenth anniversary production .
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