Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If anxieties are ironed out before a transfer takes place , the employee is less likely to be under the pressure of family concerns when taking up the new appointment .
2 People living in the houses were also less likely to be in the company of individuals who had competing needs to their own ; clients living in staffed houses were likely to be the only service user in the room for 63 per cent of the time ( and mostly with just one other for the remainder ) , compared with 42 per cent in the three ‘ campus ’ houses , 33 per cent in ordinary hospital wards and 27 per cent in special units .
3 At 1,000 metres , and with heavy fertilisation , yields of 10,000 kg dry matter /ha have been obtained and while adequate summer rainfall may favour grass growth , production is more generally likely to be at the level suggested in Table 2 , and a long wintering period is a major constraint .
4 It was most likely to be in the form of a questionnaire ( 40% of the 234 assessed programmes ) , or a written report ( 22% ) , with examinations being appropriate in a further 25% of cases .
5 Finally , both initiatives are capable of incorporating graded assessment information ; in the case of the GCSE this is most likely to be in the form of an equation on the graded assessment certificate ; in the case of records of achievement such attainment will simply be noted on the record .
6 Carradine and I decided he was most likely to be in the Noir et Blanc .
7 When Ferrar received it he read it over and over and kissed and embraced it , saying that he could not sufficiently admire it as a rich jewel , and most worthy to be in the hands and hearts of all true Christians that feared God and loved the Church of England .
8 In this situation , it is much more sensible to be in the second or even third row from the start line , but you should be right at the starboard end .
9 Far from being a jackpot for commuters , the compensation payouts are hardly likely to be worth the flutter .
10 " Well , he 's hardly likely to be after the beating you gave him .
11 A Fire Service spokesman said : ‘ We were told from a reliable source the youths were still likely to be in the building so we conducted a thorough search .
12 Communications remain important though the talk now is more likely to be of the high speed 1990s and the proposed link between the M1 and M62 or the rail freight link from ‘ Port Wakefield , ’ via the Channel Tunnel to the continent .
13 In general we estimate that sources of error in the retrievals limit the precision to about 10% but that the absolute errors , taking into account uncertainties in the line parameters , are more likely to be of the order of 15% .
14 66 ) , i.e. a type C arrangement , is later than c. 320 ( it is more likely to be of the later decade of the third century ) .
15 Circumstances alter cases : in deep recessions the economy is likely to be to the left of point A whereas in milder recessions the economy is more likely to be to the right of point A.
16 well if any thing its more likely to be at the top of the pile , not the bottom
17 The biographer , therefore , is likely to work on people of some fame , whatever their spheres of activity may be , and so the biography is more likely to be about the famous ( or notorious ) person , the outstanding success or the eye-catching , unusual personality .
18 Nevertheless , the class factor remains important : according to Wilkin , women undergraduates are more likely to be from the middle class than men ( Wilkin , 1982 ) .
19 There is also another way in which being female has an effect ; women are more likely to be in the kind of low status , perhaps unpleasant , jobs where absenteeism is more likely irrespective of sex .
20 Today many live on something close to the Church 's minimum stipend of £12,200 a year and their accommodation is more likely to be in the council semi mould .
21 However , not all the evidence supports this view ; both Hill and Saville found that , while women were more numerous among the youngest groups of migrants , men were more likely to be in the majority in the older groups .
22 Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice and the evidence available shows that children from professional backgrounds are far more likely to be in the top streams than working class children .
23 No , when we have a fund-raiser in Thanet it is more likely to be in the nature of a ’ Knees Up , Mother Brown ’ in the Eagle cafe at the end of Ramsgate harbour .
24 At another level , EC policies particularly in the areas of competition and technology seem set to favour further concentration and spatial centralisation of industry ( more likely to be in the most advanced regions ) in a bid to develop European champions capable of taking on US and Japanese competition .
25 And we had two shields , we had two separate teams to go immediately to the two bedrooms which , in our er esti est estimations , that will be where any adults were more likely to be in the flat .
26 The BC109C was selected as it claims to have a spread from 380 to 800 at 2mA and is more likely to be within the spec we require .
27 You are more likely to be amongst the 35 per cent who only have one preference , or the 24 per cent who have two preferences , of the 20 per cent who have three preferences .
28 Job losses from some of the largest employers , ICI and factories , are also likely to be on the agenda when Mr Devlin defends his 744 majority against Labour 's Mr John Scott and Liberal Democrat Mrs Kay Kirkham .
29 We are also proud to be in the vanguard of training and safety initiatives for our Division as we place a great deal of importance on the safety aspects of working on a major construction site .
30 What one old-school diplomat called " the telegraphic demoralisation of those who formerly had to act for themselves and are now content to be at the end of the wire " had , it was claimed , given greater effect to the instinctive dislike felt by all foreign ministries for diplomats who showed initiative and were not afraid of responsibility .
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