Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is a most strange to hear something like that .
2 The general public has a tendency to assume that nurses experience a strong desire to care for others , perhaps believing that many feel a true vocation or ‘ divine call ’ to the work , although it is probably less usual to describe it in these terms today .
3 I 'm so sorry to put you to all this trouble . ’
4 I thought it would be much easier to see her in those sort of surroundings .
5 Single carers who have given up work to care appear to be especially likely to find themselves in this situation .
6 Relaxing a little , she told herself that having discovered the identity of R , it was not so essential to grill him after all ; but on the other hand , there was still the matter of the concealed photograph to be explained .
7 He had n't been so pleased to see someone in all his life .
8 And I do n't understand why she was so slow to alert us to those symptoms today . ’
9 Many of them have inordinately high mortgages around their necks and they are finding it extremely difficult to service them in this unusually long period of high interest rates .
10 But from those earliest days , she had n't believed in the Church at all ; not one scrap , not one iota , and this was why she 'd been so surprised to discover herself in such a place only the previous morning .
11 It is worth noting , however , that one of the ideas behind the risk theory , namely that losses should be borne by the party best able to absorb them with least dislocation and disruption , is a very popular one in the ( private ) law of tort where the theory of fault liability is , in some areas at least , under attack .
12 The acts , implying possession in one case , may be wholly inappropriate to prove it in another .
13 Cases ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , involving chelating and bridging ligands , lead to slightly reduced frequencies for both bond stretches , down to about 1500 cm -1 for and about 900 cm -1 for , and it is not usually possible to distinguish them in this way .
14 ‘ The truth in question is hidden , lying concealed beneath appearances ; we must then inquire , since its nature is not open to us , whether it is still possible to know it through some sign and whether we have a criterion by which we may recognize the sign and judge what the thing truly is . ’
15 It is difficult to write down a Jimi Hendrix guitar solo and still harder to play it from such a notated version .
16 The second point is that the A C C are , are , I think , the second point is that there was a deputation to the Minister yesterday , so if , in a sense it 's a little late unless it was picked up by Mr yesterday , it may be a little late to do something for this year , er , I mean obviously next year is I think going to be the er , important issue , and the A C C has already circulated all Shire counties er , it 's picked up that this has happened to the majority of counties , although again the south east er , has escaped from that , and it 's asking for the sort of figures we 're debating this morning .
17 Not only were the British Consul staff unable to answer questions about the search and weather conditions , but they were also reluctant to provide us with any basic help .
18 Freezing agent your local dry cleaner will probably able to supply you with this
19 Now a real poet , like your Randolph Henry Ash , that 'd be something different , you 'd be reasonably pleased to have someone like that in the family .
20 However , because they are usually put forward as essentially rules for creating ads , it is probably best to discuss them in this chapter too .
21 But I have not seen much evidence that it is really possible to do it on this scale .
22 I had gone so far that to blow it at that point would have been a big disappointment for me , ’ he said .
23 I have come to you tonight as much to thank you for that answer as to explain to those of you who already plan to make your home in Eretz — and to any others who may make such a decision in the future — what lies before you . ’
24 Nobody except his lawyers and myself know his whereabouts or have an address and it might be as well to leave it at that .
25 Having looked at some of the reasons why God is thought of in personal terms , it is as well to remind ourselves of some of the dangers of doing so .
26 Although I would love to be able to take regular trips to the countryside , I am often unable to indulge myself in this luxury and so instead I choose to walk and cycle through Richmond Park in London .
27 ‘ To howl down a man just because he happens to be out of form one day is often sufficient to discourage him for all time , ’ he told the Yorkshire Evening Post .
28 in the erm well silly to put yourself in that predicament would n't it ?
29 Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , later countered : ‘ If the Labour Party are accusing us of an electoral bribe , it shows that they find it rather difficult to criticise us on any other grounds . ’
30 It 's virtually impossible to know which of these stories is the true one , if either of them is .
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