Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The mother was extremely upset but very relieved that her son has been returned to her , ’ said police Superintendent Ray Starkey .
2 Instantly , as if he had somehow thrown an electrical switch , she felt a surge of responsive excitement — so strong and so unexpected that she trembled involuntarily in his embrace .
3 In my part of the world , which is north east England and especially County Durham , nobody much really believes all this talk about an industrial and economic recovery which will be so strong and so widespread that most people will be back in the sort of jobs they used to have , providing they get the necessary training .
4 Jim thought this was priceless and laughed so loud and so long that he brought the Duty Officer down from Flying Control to find out what he 'd missed .
5 Without warning , it suddenly let out a blast of the 62 first line of Dixie on a five-tone airhorn , so loud and so unexpected that it made Alina take a startled step back .
6 ‘ The crying was so loud and so wonderful that it made the people astounded unless they had heard it before ’ ; she ‘ made wondrous faces and expressions ’ too .
7 The rampant desire she glimpsed in his eyes was so clear and so fierce that she felt her breath catch in her throat .
8 The law is so rigorous and so thorough that it would be difficult to misunderstand the import of the statutory legislation which governs the property of the Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes in 1948 and who — by the same law — can not return .
9 This time I studied it in good sunlight , because some of the colours are so dim or so dark that one can hardly see what the pattern is all about .
10 When the grand collapse starts , it is so violent and so rapid that nothing can halt it .
11 There are people whose early experience of bodily closeness , intimacy and care has been so uncomfortable or so traumatic that they dare not risk a repetition of such pain .
12 Over the next ten years it opened the doors to the development of relations between Wilson 's union and the shipowners so cordial and mutually supportive that his enemies in the labour movement could express ironic astonishment that he had ever had " any special connection with the Seamen at all " .
13 It 's so straight and so sharp that it works perfectly as a blade , but when you 've finished you can just grind it up into the ground . ’
14 It was so sudden and so fierce that she could not deny it .
15 The pain which followed immediately was so sudden and so extreme that it went beyond feeling .
16 The noise was so constant and so intense that it fabricated silence .
17 They have been so pervasive and so self-evident that there has been little point in articulating them .
18 THE obstacles facing any film-maker are so large and so numerous that you might imagine only the best reach the screen .
19 But I think er the old standards are so good and so strong you know we still get the odd good one coming out but the old ones were so good and so strong that even re-recorded with er even with the more modern I suppose er bit of arrangement still the great sounds from the .
20 But it 's all for the rest of my life , an important fact for me , and to say , OK , I do n't need it any more , it has to be a very strong and bad change inside Kirov , I will be so upset or so unoptimistic or so helpless that I will feel I can not do anything more .
21 The quantity of wealth and the range of differences were so great and so new that it was difficult to assimilate it to any picture of how Zuwaya had done things in the past .
22 It displays a method of building which was so logical and so satisfactory that it was used from the end of the fourteenth century until well into the eighteenth .
23 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
24 Even if teachers were given the time and opportunity to develop their professional lives in the ways they felt most suitable , the questions and dilemmas that face them are so many and so deep that it is indeed a daunting task .
25 THE cast list of the real-life royal soap opera is now getting so long and so complicated that all except its most avid followers can be forgiven for losing track .
26 But in the evening , on what was to prove his last visit , the prisoner was so long and so quiet that eventually the carabiniere who had remained to guard him banged on the door .
27 ‘ You train for so long and so hard that you need a break afterwards .
28 Why could a man 's voice in the night create an ache in a person so deep and so wide that it felt as if it could never be filled ?
29 The assault is so unexpected and apparently unjustified that it leaves the owner not only bleeding but also deeply perplexed .
30 From time to time there are cases where the provocation is so gross and so strong that a court imposes a very short prison sentence or even a suspended sentence for the manslaughter — typically , cases where a wife , son , or daughter kills a persistently bullying husband or father — and such cases raise the more general question of whether provocation should ever be a complete defence to homicide or to other crimes .
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