Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Quartz , on the other hand , is the most stable and crystallizes at the lowest temperature .
2 Others might be talking to their girlfriends or just idly smoking and looking at the sky .
3 The girls looked a little less sulky and stared at the two townees .
4 I wished I had been more patient and stayed at the witchdoctor 's .
5 For a long time she imagined she might open the door and see the body of her mother , stretched out in death on her bed , her arms folded across her chest , her eyes still open and staring at the ceiling .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ said Gabriel , both excited and frightened at the prospect .
7 He managed to look both surprised and baffled at the same time .
8 It 's early to tell yet ) to a recent number of one of the fashion monthlies , the wheel has turned just about half-circle and arrived at the point where it is almost essential to talk about the food and drink , because they have been chosen mainly with a view to distracting attention from the table decorations .
9 If he starts being really difficult and kicking at the partitions we sometimes have to put hobbles on him .
10 She looks a little hot and flustered at the moment , which I 'm afraid is my fault for rushing her down here at very little notice .
11 An old woman , armed with a Sound Guide , became quite excited and pulled at the arm of another .
12 In patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 , I , and II , this mucosal junction is very close or located at the proximal limit of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
13 In full face the nose was revealed as a little too wide and flattened at the base and the dark eyes , which when he was animated took on a fierce , almost manic gleam , in repose were pools of puzzled endurance .
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