Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To misquote Sir Winston Churchill : ‘ Never in the field of human conflict did the votes of so many influence the outcome of so few in so much time . ’
2 How can I put the people I love so much through so much pain ?
3 Her husband , John , 77 , said : ‘ She did so much for so many people .
4 In inviting the JTO 's to Baron 's Court in 1989 for discussions of the development of the junior programme , the LTA were seeking to include all those worthy volunteers who have contributed so much for so many years to the running of junior tournaments in this country .
5 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
6 No one before or since has published so much from so many sites in quantity and variety .
7 One of the oddities of child development is that the word meaning ‘ mother ’ is so similar in so many languages .
8 Just a few paragraphs in and we are plunged into the fog and grime of the capital : in 1817 the American Ambassador was enveloped in a midday fog in Bond Street so thick that he felt tempted to ask how the English became so great with so little daylight .
9 If if we 're going to talk about common defence and that sort of thing , and common erm aid and erm trouble shooting across Europe , it 's obviously better for as many countries as possible to be within the inner ring of the E C community .
10 Having read again a book he had admired when studying at Edinburgh , a book much concerned with precisely such comparisons and contrasts — his grandfather Brasmus Darwin 's Zoönomia ( 1794–6 ) — he was soon taking its title for the opening heading of his Notebook B , where he was now to pursue his own inquiry into ‘ the laws of life ’ .
11 The minutes will be entirely concerned with just these items , but in almost all meetings something else is happening .
12 The suspicion is that the fall in numbers , by perhaps ten in as many years , is due to poaching .
13 The answer appears to be ‘ yes , up to a point ’ ; for much of our service provision is focused on support of such people , yet it is patently inadequate in so many ways .
14 This is clearly overly optimistic in almost all cases , and it in fact leads to an excessively breadth first search . ’
15 If this conjecture is at all sound , then the distribution of occurrences of both in conjunction with a pronoun should be more prevalent in just those cases where plural references are in the minority , i.e. in the ‘ with ’ condition , and in the mixed description condition .
16 It is only small because a very limited number of Conservatives on the back benches are not totally reliable on too many occasions .
17 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
18 The Department of Transport , the advertising industry and the police have combined to crack down on this menace which is still responsible for so much carnage and misery .
19 Jenna was filled with misery and still puzzled by so many things .
20 It seems to be much more sensitive to too much choke .
21 They were also able without too much difficulty to create a series of possible contexts in which ( they hoped ) the meaning of the forms chosen would be clear from the context itself .
22 Yet we have already noted how , in terms of poetic justice for instance , fabliau morality is often conventional in precisely these terms .
23 It is not hard to see that in Homage to Sextus Propertius Pound is centrally concerned with just this question , and is defending his own scale of priorities against Hewlett 's or Newbolt 's .
24 In the meantime , the director who would have done it , who is a name director , has asked me to go and work at the RSC because she 's now busy for exactly that period of time .
25 ‘ Yes , and as pessimistic with as little reason , ’ said Shelley swiftly .
26 ‘ But if it 's the giants you 're wanting to fool , then it 'd be the grand old Draoicht Suan , ’ said Pumlumon , and the Gnomes nodded sagely and said that would be it , the Draoicht Suan it would be , the spell that had kept the Trees fast asleep for so many years now , and was n't it a powerful strong spell and Pumlumon the fellow to be spinning it for them all ?
27 The basic characteristic of the H.T. is that the flowers are invariably double with so many petals — sometimes to their detriment in wet weather — that the centre becomes pushed up to a high point — in the classic shape that everybody likes to see .
28 Nevertheless , the whole event ( or at least our perception of it ) remains resolutely British with even more paintings than usual from the public , as the walls are to be hung up to four deep .
29 ‘ It 's been a tough couple of years but I 've been relatively OK since earlier this year .
30 But it is quite different in almost any university if one looks at the immediate post- doctoral level .
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